Breaking News

[ad_1] YouTube took down a video Friday posted by the bio-tech firm Aytu BioSience explaining a new UV light treatment for coronavirus patients. Aytu BioScience announced Tuesday the firm is working with Cedars-Sinai and the FDA to determine the efficacy of the treatment. The video is now labeled, “This video has been removed for violating
[ad_1] General Mike Flynn General Mike Flynn Friday night broke his silence after the government finally released Brady documents showing he committed no crimes. Attorney Sidney Powell has been fighting to get her hands on the Brady Material since she took over the case. The documents are filed under seal, but attorney Sidney Powell said
[ad_1] Beijing’s cover-up of the coronavirus outbreak is the scandal of the century. Its unconscionable malfeasance launched a global plague, hobbled the international response, and crashed the world’s economy. Many people were already fed up with how Beijing had bullied, lied, and cheated its way up the global food chain even before this outrage. Now, they’re downright angry and demanding
[ad_1] Friday afternoon, CNN melted down into a panel of juvenile performance artists, spending over 15 minutes screeching President Trump’s remarks Thursday and a Friday follow-up about disinfectants and sunlight as a “dangerous,” “double speak,” “idiotic,” “ludicrous,” “Soviet fashion,” and “a waste of time” (even though CNN was harping on it hourly). AC360 host Anderson
[ad_1] Shocking new evidence has emerged that backs up Tara Reade’s claim about being sexually assaulted by then-Senator Joe Biden in 1993 — and ironically, it originally aired on CNN. Reade told reporters that at the time of the harassment and assault by Biden she told various people including her mother, a close friend, and
[ad_1] Brady documents were finally disclosed by the DOJ in General Michael Flynn’s case today revealed exculpatory evidence that exonerated General Flynn. The documents are filed under seal, but attorney Sidney Powell said it reveals Flynn did not commit any crimes. “The enclosed documents were obtained and analyzed by USA EDMO in March and April
[ad_1] Liberal New York Times economist Paul Krugman needed to dip into the graveyard of famous newspaper headlines to spit childish hyperbole at Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY). Krugman went #PeakWoke at McConnell’s suggestion that states should file for bankruptcy. Ironic that the guy who wrote the Keynesian book “Arguing with Zombies: Economic, Politics,
[ad_1] The hosts of The View are doing their best to prop up Joe Biden’s presidential campaign, even offering him free advice and future media appearances on their show. After Joy Behar confidently claimed Biden could disappear and still win the election, she had a change of heart on Friday’s show, saying that he needed
[ad_1] As part of its COVID-19 response, the World Health Organization has declared abortion as an essential service. The U.K. has now issued temporary approval for chemical abortions to be completely done at home. The U.S. abortion lobby continues to call for the Food and Drug Administration to lift restrictions (REMs) off the abortion pill (U.S. brand “Mifeprex”), making way for
[ad_1] We’re in the middle of a pandemic that’s killing thousands but, once again, all the death lobby cares about is killing thousands more through abortions. Next week, pro-abortion groups and Hollywood celebrities will unite for an all-day fundraising event dubbed “Operation Save Abortion” to benefit struggling independent abortion facilities across the country. The fundraiser will
[ad_1] Policymakers need to scrutinize their epidemiological models. In response to the coronavirus pandemic, the federal government has been heavily influenced by the Institute of Health Metrics and Evaluation’s computer model, which has projected from 60,000 to 240,000 COVID-19 deaths in the U.S.  This epidemiological model is now being criticized as flawed and misleading as
[ad_1] New York Post columnist Betsy McCaughey joined Newsmax TV on Thursday to discuss the latest unemployment claims. On Thursday The weekly US unemployment numbers grew by 4.42 million jobs this week.That brings the total to 26 million of unemployed Americans due to government enforced regulations. Betsy McCaughey: Worse than heartless. 22 million people have
[ad_1] When the nongovernmental National Coronavirus Recovery Commission was first formed in early April, commissioners requested that citizens submit comments and ideas to help it formulate recommendations that governments, businesses, and civil society could use to combat both the health and economic effects of COVID-19. Those comments have provided some critical insights into how Americans feel about
[ad_1] The world was a dangerous place before—and will be after—the coronavirus pandemic. While Americans debate the proper ongoing response to the virus and argue over the infection’s origins, nature, and trajectory, they may have tuned out other, often just as scary, news. Many Americans are irate at China for its dishonest and lethal suppression