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[ad_1] On Monday night, it was one liberal talking to another liberal as Daily Show host Trevor Noah appeared on The Late Show With Stephen Colbert. Noah blamed all recent crises on Donald Trump himself, saying, “People forget, every single issue or every single scandal his administration has faced has been something that’s been self-imposed,
[ad_1] The campaign of journalist turned congressional candidate Laura Loomer is calling for a “freeze” on Nancy Pelosi’s congressional salary and to put the pay of dopey bartender AOC and Iranian regime sympathizer Ilhan Omar “on ICE”. I have known #LauraLoomer for years and said from day one that if she runs she will win…
[ad_1] Reopening America’s economy is going to take leadership and insight from every sphere of society, including the faith community.  The Rev. Samuel Rodriguez, president of the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference and a member of the National Coronavirus Recovery Commission, joins The Daily Signal Podcast to talk about what a pastor brings to the
[ad_1] During Sunday’s White House Coronavirus Task Force briefing, President Trump clashed with two usual suspects in CBS’s Weijia Jiang and CNN’s Jeremy Diamond after loaded, snarky questions on behalf of their fellow liberal media firefighters, acting with supposed bravery and perseverance. Things ended poorly for both with the former being told to be “relax”
[ad_1] New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy banned the annual drive-through tulip farm in Cream Ridge this year. Owner Casey Jansen said he invested ONE MILLION in planting all the bulbs in the fall. But the governor threatened to arrest Jansen if ONE CAR drives through his farm for the annual attraction! This is tyranny —
[ad_1] There was absolutely nothing surprising in New York Times reporter Jeremy Peters using Michael Savage to attack Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh. Peters regularly wages war on the conservative media. Take a look: — On April 2, Peters wrote a front-page story with the online headline “Alarm, Denial, Blame: The Pro-Trump Media’s Coronavirus Distortion: Sean
[ad_1] Nancy Pelosi showed off her basket of fancy chocolates this week at home in her mansion. A poll of restaurant and bar owners found that 80% of owners are not sure they will ever reopen after the government enforced shutdown of their businesses. Four of five restaurants may never reopen.And Nancy Pelosi refused to
[ad_1] Bernie Sanders has spent the last several years talking about a revolution to topple the establishment. Now he is sending fundraising emails on behalf of the establishment. How can anyone blame his supporters for being annoyed? The Hill reports: TRENDING: RETALIATION? Michigan’s Democrat Governor Threatens to EXTEND Stay-At-Home Order in Response to #OperationGridlock Protesters
[ad_1] Sen. Tammy Duckworth (D-IL) falsely accused President Trump Friday of killing Americans hit by the COVID-19 Chinese coronavirus by not sending ventilators. No American has gone without a ventilator who needed one let alone died for a lack of one, even though at times there has been panic about potential shortages that did not