Month: April 2021

Former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin rises to greet jury members on the twefth day of his trial for second-degree murder, third-degree murder, and second-degree manslaughter in the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis, Minn., April 13, 2021, in this courtroom sketch. (Jane Rosenberg/Reuters) It all comes down to intent. NRPLUS MEMBER ARTICLE O n
156 years ago today Abraham Lincoln’s body lied in state after his assassination.The Republican president was murdered by a Democrat actor while at the theater. Over 25,000 Americans lined up to pay their respects to Abraham Lincoln.They said old and young, rich and poor, all sexes and colors lined up to honor Abraham Lincoln.And aide
My Bloomberg Opinion column is about President Biden’s new “Supreme Court reform” commission. One of the topics I take up is whether FDR’s attempt to pack the Court succeeded in intimidating the justices. The story goes that in 1937 Justice Owen Roberts stopped blocking New Deal legislation because he feared court-packing. He had voted to
A reporter is being skewered for visiting the home of a Utah paramedic who donated $10 to the legal defense fund of Kyle Rittenhouse. The fire department where the paramedic works has launched an investigation following the report on the private citizen’s donation. There was a data breach at GiveSendGo, the self-described “fastest-growing Christian crowdfunding
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Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., criticized legislation introduced by Democratic members of Congress intended to add four justices to the Supreme Court. Rubio told Fox News Thursday that the bill is a “political ploy” that serves the Democratic Party’s political agenda. He added that issues with the court sprang up once the conservatives made up a
Congresswoman Maxine Waters (D., Calif.) during a national day of action to protest the Trump administration’s “Zero Tolerance” policy in Los Angeles, Calif., June 30, 2018. (Monica Almeida/Reuters) Representative Maxine Waters (D., Calif.) told demonstrators to “stay in the street” and become “more confrontational” if former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin is acquitted of killing
I was amused by the absurd by the faux shock expressed in headlines last week, which trumpeted the U.S. Intelligence Community backflip on its previous claim that Russia was paying the Taliban bounties to whack U.S. military personnel. Sure, it reminded me of Gilda Radner’s quirky Saturday night live character, Emily Litella, whose trademark was
If there is any doubt of the hate that Liberals have for America? Is the way they want to transform every aspect of our Republic or the way that leaders of the Democrat Party are still apologizing for America and its past enough proof? Absolutely. Look to the actions over the last few months as
A Chicago prosecutor was suspended on Friday after he allegedly “failed to fully present the facts” regarding the death of 13-year-old Adam Toledo. What is the background? In the early morning hours on March 29, Chicago police officers responded to the Little Village neighborhood after reports of shots fired. Officers encountered Toledo and then-21-year-old Ruben
The insanity of American culture right now, be it ever-increasing wokeness or the censoring of thoughts, has repeatedly caused Bill Maher to sound like someone conservatives could have a conversation with. The liberal host on Friday night closed his show by accusing the liberal media of overreacting to the conservatives and Donald Trump’s handling of the pandemic,
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis and his wife Casey at a Trump campaign rally in Sanford, Fla., October 12, 2020. (Jonathan Ernst/Reuters) Florida governor Ron DeSantis warned corporations against trying to “genuflect” to “wokeness” in comments on Fox News’s Sunday Morning Futures. When asked what he thought about Major League Baseball’s decision to move the All-Star Game
CNN host Chris Cuomo says that there won’t be police reform or gun control until “your kids start getting killed. White people’s kids start getting killed.” Cuomo’s solution is not something that should be put out in the universe given how Black Lives Matter militants have repeatedly claimed that they want to achieve their goals