Political News

[ad_1] The latest conspiracy theory has seen cell phone towers torched and slowed high-tech measures to fight the pandemic. With COVID-19 reshaping our world, there has been no end to the explanations as to where it came from. One recent conspiracy theory claiming 5G (short for fifth generation) is transmitting the coronavirus has spread almost
[ad_1] Sen. Tom Cotton talks to reporters following a classified national security briefing at the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C., January 8, 2020. (Tom Brenner/Reuters) Arkansas senator Tom Cotton, who was wrongly pilloried by much of the media for questioning whether the coronavirus might have escaped from a lab in Wuhan, has an op-ed on
[ad_1] Attorney General William Barr in Washington, D.C. February 6, 2020 (Joshua Roberts/Reuters) I am seeing a lot of Twitter outrage and criticism descend on Attorney General Bill Barr for what strikes me as fairly anodyne comments he made on Hugh Hewitt’s radio show. The first set of relevant remarks came when Hewitt asked whether
[ad_1] Max von Sydow and Bengt Ekerot in The Seventh Seal (Svensk Filmindustri/IMDb) Pay attention when Antonius Block, the protagonist of The Seventh Seal, raises his eyes to scan the distance behind his opponent, Death, in their final outdoor meetup over the chessboard. Forget the chess for a moment. Watch the eyes. They tell the
[ad_1] Democratic presidential hopeful Joe Biden participates in the 11th Democratic Party debate on March 15, 2020.(Photo by MANDEL NGAN/AFP via Getty Images) The Democratic Party is decadent, its future stillborn as its past seizes ownership of its backward-looking present. In 2020, the party is set to nominate for president a man who wasn’t good
[ad_1] Former vice president Joe Biden speaks during the Democratic presidential debate in Washington, D.C., March 15, 2020. (Kevin Lamarque/Reuters) In a new article at Mother Jones — titled “Sexual Assault Advocates Are Grappling With the Allegations Against Joe Biden” (don’t let the phrasing trouble you; the individuals in question are not, in fact, advocates of sexual
[ad_1] Almost every day, more studies, strange data, anecdotal reporting, and theories emerge about the virus, many of which could change existing conventional wisdom. In discussions about the nature of any existing sero-prevalence in California, and about how even apparently small percentages of those already infected in the population could radically alter rates of epidemic
[ad_1] One of my favorite magazine writers, Sam Anderson, has profiled one of my favorite figures in pop culture: Weird Al Yankovic. It’s just about the perfect thing to read to get a mental break right now. What was most fascinating was a peek into the slightly obsessive and meticulous creative process behind Yankovic’s song