One thing that remains constant about the “legacy” media’s coverage of Donald Trump remains their willingness to push the dumbest of hoaxes and conspiracy theories in advancement of The Narrative. One of the latest such idiocies: the goofy Crowd Size Hoax.

Watch as MSNBC’s Joe Reid gleefully spreads disinformation to her viewers:



JOY REID: No matter how you look at it, today has been an historical day for America. As any presidential inauguration is. But this one, atypical for many reasons. For one, it was indoors, presumably because of the weather. Though I should note that today’s chilly conditions were similar to those at President Obama’s first and outdoors inauguration in 2009, causing many to speculate that the move indoors had more to do with concerns that Trump couldn’t draw a sufficiently large crowd.

Of course, Joyless Reid isn’t the first one to push this goofy notion of the Trump inaugural moving indoors due to fear of bad crowd sizes. As we noted when it was ABC’s Chief Biden Sycophant Mary Bruce touting these same inanities:

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You will recall that the first dumb media controversy of the first Trump presidency, as the Russia Hoax percolated in the background, was the flap over the crowd sizes at the inauguration. So it’s not shocking to see Bruce appeal to that, even though no one outside of the extremely online left was talking about crowd sizes.

Although concern over the brutal cold is the official reason cited for moving the inauguration indoors, there are many reasonable individuals with national security backgrounds who hold that an outdoor inaugural posed a reckless security risk in light of ongoing threats against the President-Elect, and an Iranian operative already in custody related to an assassination plot. None of that entered into Bruce’s head as she sought to advance a Trump-adverse narrative.

None of this entered into Reid’s head, either. She took an opportunity to advance to advance a narrative, regardless of how dumb it sounded. Easy #Resistance bait to mark the beginning of Trump 2.0.

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