Girls came back from Christmas break at one Denver school to an unpleasant, woke New Year’s innovation: a girls’ bathroom transformed into an “all-gender” bathroom. Cue the pixie dust and gender unicorns.


Even as Congress just moved along legislation to ban biological males from female sports, radical leftists in schools across the country are doubling down on their groomer insanity. Administrators at East High School in Denver, according to Libs of TikTok, are among these woke wackos, and they decided to convert a girls’ bathroom into an all-gender restroom. 

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One administrator is claiming that no specific agenda drove this move, but before wokeness took over schools, there would never have been an “all-gender” restroom. Notice how it usually seems to be girls who are expected to give up ground on the transgender bathroom debate, and that it is girls who get assaulted in the bathrooms by cross-dressing boys.

MRCTV’s Justine Brooke Murray bashed the Denver education authorities who made the decision:

Now girls will have to share one of their few remaining spaces with men so the virtue-signaling “adults” in charge of Delaware’s school district can feel good about themselves.

It’s a self-serving move that “has sacrificed the comfort of these young females for this dubious change,” according to one East High School parent, Lori Ramos.


Ramos spoke out during a school board meeting. “We, as adults, should be protecting students at all costs. Not using minors for this social experiment. This in my opinion is unlawful, immoral and is, in fact, a form of abuse.” She’s absolutely right.

Denver’s Public School director Scott Pribble is, however, practically squealing with excitement at the change. “It was becoming a problem for kids that were trying to go to the bathroom during passing period,” Pribble alleged, claiming students themselves suggested it because they were “late to the next class because the one or two single stall bathrooms that they had to accommodate this just wasn’t enough for the need that was out there.” NBC9News didn’t clarify how many or which students requested the change.

For Our VIPsDemocrats in Wonderland: Transgender Edition

Pribble can claim all he wants that there isn’t an agenda behind the move, and that “It’s easier to convert a girl’s restroom to a gender-neutral restroom simply because of the type of hardware that is in place already in that room,” but we know better. The very fact that they used the term “all gender,” as if there were more than two, is telling. 


Maybe Pribble should take a survey of all the female students and see whether the majority of them are perfectly happy to have boys, whether gender dysphoric or normal, constantly sharing their bathroom space with them. I’m guessing the answer would surprise Pribble and his ilk.

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