A few years ago, I started attending counseling sessions with a Christian therapist because I was wrestling with what the broader field of psychology calls an “inner critic.” It’s that nasty voice that whispers you’re not good enough, you’re a failure, you’re unlovable.
Being a reader and a researcher, I went into my initial session already knowing that our inner critic originates primarily from two places: Either it’s born of society’s unrealistic expectations, or it comes from internalizing criticism from others, usually during childhood.
I guess I didn’t account for the fact that I was seeing a
Christian therapist — someone who does not exclusively operate in the bounds of mainstream psychology — because before I could finish telling her what I thought were the origins of my inner critic, she cut me off.
Actually, I think what you’re dealing with is demonic lies.
Yeah, I think those terrible things you think about yourself aren’t necessarily your thoughts. They’re lies being whispered to you by the enemy. You need to rebuke them.
At the time, the idea was outlandish to me. I believed in the demonic — believed that demons could and often did torment people. But this wasn’t that, surely. This was me mentally flogging myself for failing to meet expectations that I subconsciously agreed to.
The left has been captured by demonic ideology.
I won’t bore you with the details of the long and somewhat strange journey it took for me to realize that my counselor was right. Suffice it to say that I learned to distinguish between the voice that gently convicts and spurs us toward repentance when we have erred, our God-given conscience that guides us in general ethics and morality, and the hateful, lying voice of the enemy that seeks to incapacitate us with fear and shame — often using our past traumas and modernity’s lofty standards to do it — and to create division between us and God.
When that hateful voice of the enemy rears its head, hurling accusations, insults, and lies, I have learned that the only way to silence it is indeed to rebuke it as slander from the demonic that follows in the stead of Satan, whom the Bible calls “the accuser of our brethren” (Revelation 12:10). Lying is “his native language,” it says in John 8:44.
Perhaps it’s this practiced discernment that allows me to recognize demonic lies in other playing fields.
By now Christians — not those in name only, but the saints who regard the Bible as both truth and authority — understand that the left has been captured by demonic ideology.
Since the dawn of this new progressive Democratic Party, believers have been calling out the big three — the sexualization of children, abortion, and gender theory — as those are the issues that are most diametrically opposed to biblical doctrine and therefore can easily be identified as demonic.
But there’s another way Satan has influenced the Democratic Party and its voter base to do his bidding, and it’s not one that gets adequate attention. On top of convincing liberals that progressivism, which inverts biblical truth, is the way forward, he’s also convinced them that the response to opposition is to spit venomous, defamatory accusations, the vast majority of which are egregious lies.
Let’s look at some common indictments that come from the radical left.
- If you think marriage is something that occurs between a man and a woman, you’re a homophobe.
- If you’re not pro-censorship, you endorse hate speech.
- If you think it’s impossible to be born in the wrong body, you’re a transphobe.
- If you don’t want your child exposed to gender theory in school, you’re a bigot.
- If you don’t get on board with the idea of black reparations, you’re a racist.
- If you don’t support abortion, you want to deny women lifesaving health care.
- If you don’t shriek in horror at Trump’s mass deportation plans, you’re a xenophobe.
- If you don’t besmirch the founding of our country, you’re a white supremacist.
The list is endless.
It boils down to this: If you don’t agree with X leftist idea, then you’re a vile person deserving of condemnation, ostracization, and shame. Your head is immediately placed on the guillotine of cancel culture.
These kinds of accusations fit the description of the voice of evil I described above. They are accusatory, hateful, and aimed at silencing people using shame and fear; they create division; and most of the time, they’re lies.
Unless, of course, someone is a legitimate racist, misogynist, or whatever it might be. When it comes to these people (and they do exist; I know some of them), certain accusations are true and deserved. To hate people for their race, gender, or other immutable trait is also demonic and should be called out as such.
When something falsely accuses, breeds fear, shame, and division, spreads lies, and incites persecution, you can be sure it’s demonic in origin.
But if you look at the entire landscape of our country, the truth is that these people are rare and getting rarer — and of the ones who do exist, many of them are actually
on the left. They’re the ones fighting fabricated racism with real racism, perceived misogyny with genuine misandry, pretend homophobia with slights against the nuclear family.
But radical leftists either can’t see this or they simply don’t care because their agenda is pre-eminent.
Either way, they spit these accusations with the intention of silencing dissent. In doing so, they crush their adversaries and instill fear in the bystanders who watch wide-eyed as the heads of bold naysayers roll. Fear waxes, brave opponents wane, and a destructive lie — whatever it may be — crystallizes: Pro-lifers
don’t want women to get lifesaving care, DEI opposers want black people to fail, and those who didn’t get the COVID vaccine are granny-killers. Society at large then accepts these lies as truth. Those who don’t bend the knee are then persecuted.
When something falsely accuses, breeds fear, shame, and division, spreads lies, and incites persecution, you can be sure it’s demonic in origin. And when something is demonic in origin, you rebuke it.
But what does this look like? After all, when it comes to these kinds of accusations, we’re dealing not with actual demons but with human beings who have probably unknowingly adopted a demonic creed. Rebuking isn’t going to look the same.
And maybe “rebuke” isn’t even the right word. Perhaps “reject” is a better fit for this scenario.
I like what Megyn Kelly said recently when she was covering the acquittal of Daniel Penny. To the BLM radicalists who were spewing the lie that Penny acted out of racism, Kelly said, “That’s not working any more. You’re going to have to find a new line. I don’t know what it’s going to be, but the BLM era is officially over.”
I think her words are a good template:
No, that’s not true. Now move along with your lies. They have no impact here.
Imagine how public discourse would shift if we all had this response when another false accusation was thrown at us. The power would be sucked from that lie, and we could simply move on.
Under the Biden regime, with its chain links to the legacy media, big tech, and every other big _____ out there, perhaps this simple notion wouldn’t have worked. The narrative was set in stone. But it’s dawn in America, and the stone is crumbling. With the inauguration of Donald Trump just days away, change is here, with more of it on the horizon. The mouths of lions are already being shut. The heads of giants are already rolling.
I say this not to equate Trump, however powerful and mighty he might be, with God but rather to say that God saved this man because of the role he will play in the revival of America — a revival that is already unfolding before our eyes.
Trump has his part to play in the rebuilding of this great nation — securing our borders, re-establishing order in our streets, weeding out anti-Americanism, dismantling the Deep State, and restoring economic prosperity, among others.
But we also have a critical role to play. I feel strongly that part of that role is, one, to recognize that the accusations and name-calling of the left are a demonic plot, and, two, to reject them and speak the truth.
We must boldly declare that men are men and women are women; that babies, regardless of their age and circumstances surrounding their conception, deserve life; that all people, as image-bearers of God, are equally deserving of dignity; and, perhaps most importantly, that these statements do not make us homophobes, racists, white supremacists, Christian nationalists, or even far-right radicals. They make us truth-tellers.