Rush Limbaugh Gives Joe Rogan Advice From Beyond

Political News

As a student of the EIB Institute and a Rush Baby, I feel I’m highly qualified to dig around in Rush Limbaugh’s archives and put together a response to the Joe Rogan controversy that the Doctor of Democracy would approve. In doing so, I have altered a few of his words to make them relevant to the conversation we are having today. Joe Rogan has made the biggest mistake he could have in the fight against the censorious left, which seeks to ultimately silence him by forcing him to apologize to the mob. He attempted to appease the critics and promised more “balance” to his show. The following is what I believe Rush Limbaugh would have said on his radio program today if he were still with us.

All you supporters of Neil Young, a guy nobody has thought of in fifty years and whose relevance couldn’t fit in a thimble, who think Joe Rogan’s show needs to be “balanced,” let me tell you something: The truth does not need balance. And the truth is what Joe Rogan seeks on his program and what we do here at the EIB Network. Do you think his audience wants to hear half of his program devoted to a bunch of CNN doctors responding to things he’s said or the things his guests have said? I mean, now and then he should do it for the fun of it — it’s always fun to listen to them bomb out.

You don’t hear anybody like me advocating that there be “balance” on other shows. You don’t hear me saying, “Hey, CBS! Get rid of Katie Couric and hire me now!” — although, that would be a brilliant move on their part.

We are equal time. And Joe Rogan has been providing equal time to the onslaught of far-left kookism we are surrounded with. We are—and he is—finally a little balance on the scene to some of the perversion and the assaults on decency and the institutions and traditions that have made this country great. It’s the left committing those assaults. It’s the left doing everything they can to tear down the institutions and traditions that have made this country the greatest ever in the history of free people, in the history of civilization. To sit here and have to — well, I don’t have to sit here and read it. I happened to run across it because I work hard prepping this program, and I read these little neophytes, these elitist, know-it-all, sniveling little pencil-necked geek creeps, locked away in their newsrooms, talk about how, “There’s some incivility in our culture, and it can be found with Ann Coulter and it can be found with Rush Limbaugh and it can be found with Joe Rogan. It can be found with Mark Levin. It can be found with Sean Hannity. It can be found with Neal Boortz.”

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If it weren’t for us, this country would be far more gone than it is! The fact of the matter is, it is those people sitting in their little ivory towers on campus and in newspaper newsrooms who have done more to divide this country, to make it partisan, to make the people of this country uncomfortable at the least, miserable at the worst, on a daily basis! That is their mission. They are the Drive-By left. COVID-19 information censorship is just the most recent incarnation of it. But there are assaults on this country’s traditions and institutions and normalcy on a daily basis, sometimes multiple times every day. We catalog it here. We comment upon it, and we point it out — and that’s what they don’t like. Their definition of “coarsening the culture” or “providing misinformation” is disagreeing with them. Their definition of coarsening the culture is pointing out their flaws, their hypocrisy. Their definition of our coarsening the culture is shining the light of truth on them, for one and all to see and to finally learn from, and they are losing influence. They used to have a monopoly. They’re still very powerful. They’re trying to engineer the defeat of the American people through a commie take-over of the economy through fear. They celebrate your business closing because it advances a political agenda.

They LOVE this story about Joe Rogan and Spotify because it allows them to advance a political agenda of censorship of ideas that threaten the established narrative that you must comply or you are bad. Joe Rogan is bad. Thinking for yourself is bad. They wouldn’t last five minutes behind this microphone or Joe Rogan’s microphone with the same scrutiny aimed at them that they aim at everybody else. They wouldn’t put up with the lies and the distortions about their character and their honesty that they routinely throw out at virtually everybody. They are the ones who try to destroy individuals’ lives, reputations, and characters if they happen to be nominated to the federal bench — starting with Robert Bork, and probably preceding that. These are the people who claim to be better than all of us. These are the people who claim to be the guardians of our Constitution and our country. These are the people who claim to be the guardians of civility. These are the people who claim to be the guardians of justice and politeness and reverence — and in truth, ladies and gentlemen, they are the authors of the day-by-day disintegration of the moral foundation that holds this country together and has for years.

They are not going to get away with it, but they are not going to stop trying, either, because they feel threatened. They apply all of these standards — and, by the way, when they start talking about the coarsening of the culture on talk radio, it always comes from people who never listen to it!  It’s always made by people who hear things taken out of context.

And don’t forget that those of us who said “Hey, this thing probably leaked from that lab in Wuhan” were proven the smartest people in the room. There are 18 scientists speaking and writing with a single voice and a message. A number of the publications on the left and the right, from National Review to the Washington Post and back again, now identify the lab in Wuhan as being the potential source. It’s incredible. Do you remember? When you mentioned that a year ago, you were nuts?

(impression) “Tom Cotton was saying it; he’s practically out of his mind! Where is his medical degree?” Now people are like, “Eh, you know, it may have just leaked,” because believing people are eating bat soup and civets that ate bat soup or whatever weird wet market narrative that was out there from the Chinese Communist Party?

Related: The Limbaugh ‘Media Montage’ Lives On! Little-Known Twitter Hack Exposes Left-Wing Talking Points

Joe Rogan was letting some of those dissenting scientists speak and now the corporate media and Spotify and everyone else are demanding that Rogan be silenced and that his shows have a warning on them for “misinformation.” The warning should be slapped onto every television screen when any Democrat talks about COVID. They’ve been lying about it from the beginning! It’s not the dissenters who need to be silenced and censored. It’s the fake news media that needs to be stopped from lying all the time.

These people cannot deal with opposition. They cannot and will not deal with an opposing point of view. They have no desire to enter the arena of ideas and get into a debate. I watched Steve Bannon. Steve Bannon showed up on CNN today. Or maybe it was last night. Maybe it was tape. Steve Bannon showed up with Anderson Cooper to try to defend Trump on this whole impeachment thing.

Anderson Cooper would not let him speak! Anderson Cooper asked a question, Steve Bannon, within two words, Cooper is answering it himself! Bannon’s trying to answer. Bannon’s trying to explain. Anderson Cooper won’t shut up! It was a microcosm for how the left wants to deal with any political opposition. Just blanket oppose it. Just deny it. Just don’t allow it to be spoken, written, said, or published.

If you apologize for having a dissenting opinion, they win. Joe Rogan should never have apologized for practicing free speech in America. This is what the cancel culture is about so that you are afraid to run up against the mob, and the only way to defeat it is to commit yourself never to bow to the media mob. Never, ever, ever.

Never apologize for freedom, never apologize for your opinion, and tell these people to go take a flying leap.

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