Month: November 2021

Buckle up! On Monday’s “Fearless” podcast, Jason Whitlock urged his listeners to prepare for his greatest fire yet. He promised to eulogize and bury Colin Kaepernick, a man with “daddy issues” … and did he ever deliver! As the six-part “Colin In Black and White” Netflix docuseries ended, Whitlock characterized the notorious ex-football player as more of
It’s election day in Virginia tomorrow, and the state has a chance to topple the educrat regime. ROANOKE, VIRGINIA – OCTOBER 27: Virginia Republican gubernatorial candidate Glenn Youngkin speaks at an early voting campaign event outside the Brambleton Center Elections Satellite Office on October 27, 2021 in Roanoke, Virginia. Youngkin is contesting Democratic candidate and
A follow-up to these two posts of mine on what the oral argument in the Texas Heartbeat Act cases seems to signal. This email from a federal-courts maven and former Supreme Court clerk captures the intense exasperation that I’m hearing from lots of folks: If we can’t trust a 6-3 court not to screw up
President Joe Biden discusses his ‘Build Back Better’ agenda at the White House, August 11, 2021. (Evelyn Hockstein/Reuters) Charlie, here’s something I don’t write very often: You could not be more wrong about this. You could not be more wrong if you were trying to be wrong. The “F*** Joe Biden” stuff matters, not because
In a bizarre twist, a Florida teacher who was named “Teacher of the Year” by her school was arrested two days later for allegedly physically abusing one of her students for criticizing her in an Instagram comment. According to NBC News, Caroline Lee was named Teacher of the Year at Darnell-Cookman School of the Medical
Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin has been a persistent road block in the left’s quest to splurge beaucoup bucks on a massive spending plan, and now Rep. Cori Bush is decrying the senator’s steadfast opposition to the Biden administration’s proposal as “anti-Black, anti-child, anti-woman, and anti-immigrant.” “Joe Manchin’s opposition to the Build Back Better Act is
The Washington Post predictably put a puff piece on a “non-binary” teenage witch on the front page of the Sunday paper on Halloween under the headline “Inside the practices of a teenage witch: Young Americans are seeking spirituality and higher truth — outside of institution and scripture.” In reality, what Post religion reporter Michelle Boorstein
The next generation wants more out of politics than tax cuts. A few months ago, I wrote about how the modern church needs to get out of the sandbox and start talking about the real, serious doctrines that undergird Christianity. For my generation of conservatives, generation Z, the story in politics is much the same.
A man wears an anti-vaccine button as people protest against New York City’s mandated COVID vaccines in front of the United States Court in New York City, October 12, 2021. (Mike Segar/Reuters) Welcome to the Tuesday, a weekly newsletter that comes out on Tuesdays, because we believe in truth in advertising. To subscribe to the
“Our Broken Elections: How the Left Changed the Way You Vote” by Hans von Spakovsky and John Fund (Encounter Books) is a deep dive into the issues that threaten America’s elections today and proposes remedies and solutions to fix our broken system. The book, being released Nov. 2, can be obtained here and elsewhere. The following excerpt is from the “Introduction”
On the pavement outside the Supreme Court in Washington DC, a pro-life activist pours water on an “abortion is healthcare” statement written in white chalk, furiously trying to erase it using his shoe. Another man of similar persuasion carries a plastic doll representing a foetus, shouting “pro-life for all life”. Metres away, pro-choice campaigners huddle
Several CNN pundits and an AP reporter were extremely triggered by an alleged use of the phrase “Let’s Go Brandon” at the end of a Southwest Airlines flight from Houston to Albuquerque. People wanted the pilot summarily fired. CNN pundits were especially outraged. Asha Rangappa bizarrely compared “Let’s Go Brandon” to “Long Live ISIS.” On what
For as long as I’ve been following politics, the political left has embraced virtually every form of nastiness and vulgarity possibility. Yet, as Biden stumbles his way through the most inept presidency in history, the popularity of “F*** Joe Biden!” and “Let’s go, Brandon!” has triggered the left, who suddenly think vulgar slogans are not
U.S. prisons are experiencing staffing shortages as officers retire, quit and risks associated with COVID-19, the Associated Press reported on Monday. Corrections officers are exposed to dangerous working conditions including exposure to COVID-19, and paid low wages, contributing to widespread staff shortages, according to the AP. At the same time, prisoner populations are starting to
National Review founder William F. Buckley Jr. (National Review) With just hours to go in National Review’s fall webathon, readers like you pushed us past $150,000. Thank you, friends, thank you. These funds will go towards supporting the most essential, fearless conservative journalism in America. For 66 years, NR has pointed the way towards a
A bevy of prominent figures from around the world flew aboard gas-guzzling aircraft to Scotland to the COP26 summit which is focused on tackling the supposedly imminent, existential threats posed by climate change. The brazen display of hypocrisy from elites peddling climate alarmism has not gone unnoticed. “Every world leader or dignitary that arrives to
Neil Bush, left, son of former U.S. President George H.W. Bush, is introduced at an event commemorating the 40th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the United States and China at the Great Hall of the People on January 10, 2019 in Beijing, China. (Photo by Mark Schiefelbein-Pool/Getty Images) This decision has not
(renaschild/Getty Images) Some will recall my writing about the Dignity Health case, in which a Catholic hospital refused to provide a hysterectomy for a transgender patient. The hospital’s reasons did not target transgender patients but were in keeping with the Church’s prohibition against removing healthy organs and surgeries that sterilize patients, absent significant pathology. The