Sick & Twisted: Celebs Blame Grisly Spa Murders on Trump’s Anti-CCP Rhetoric

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How convenient. President Trump has been out of office for almost two months now and his most zealous haters in Hollywood are still blaming him for problems happening today.

Longtime Trump Derangement Syndrome-suffering actors, including Rob Reiner and George Takei, blamed the former president for the very recent and very tragic murder of eight people at three separate Atlanta, Georgia, spas that happened on March 16. According to investigators, six of eight people killed were of Asian descent and despite the fact that the lead suspect in the case denied a racial motive in the killing, blaming instead it on his “sexual addiction,” celebs like Reiner are doing what they do best and blaming the killings on the rhetoric of our former “Racist-in chief.”

The day of the shooting, Reiner jumped to contextualize it in a light that was most politically expedient for him, i.e. putting it on his sworn enemy Donald Trump. The Princess Bride director tweeted, “I’m sorry, but the deaths of over half a million Americans, the deadly  seditious insurrection, the murders of Asian-Americans all lay at the feet of Donald J. Trump.” Oh, yeah, it’s an ever growing list. 

Of course, we assume that Reiner’s demented logic here is that Trump constantly reminding Americans that the virus came from China – as it did come from the neglectful Chinese government who failed to secure their research lab and also failed to disclose knowledge of the outbreak until weeks after – translated into people here blindly whooping up on Asians in general. Well, that’s stupid. 

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And, again, the alleged Atlanta spa shooter “gave no indicators that this was racially motivated,” said Cherokee County Sheriff Frank Reynolds. The clearly deranged murder suspect, 21-year-old Robert Aaron, claimed his intention was to eliminate his sexual temptation. Apparently, massage parlors were an occasion of sin for the young man. 

But, no matter. If all the crimes of the world are branded onto Trump and then he’s forced to walk the plank or jettisoned out of the airlock, then there should be peace on earth. Isn’t it so nice that in order to achieve that result, Reiner’s confusing the story on a very serious and deadly criminal case? What a guy!

Japanese American actor George Takei abandoned discretion as well in his desire to further hate on Trump. First he established that the shooting was unequivocally a racist killing, even if it wasn’t. The Star Trek star tweeted, “Whether the killer went in with intent to kill Asian women or he just happened to go to three different Asian establishments, miles apart, with intent to kill those inside doesn’t change the racial nature of these murders.” Yeah, it was racist whether the killer knew it or not. 

Wouldn’t it be a disaster if Takei was a law enforcement officer who was just spouting off motives for a crime like this? On top of insisting on the racist nature of the crime, a subsequent tweet featured Takei blaming the crime on Trump. Sharing a blog about how anti-Trump clown, Rep. Ted Lieu (D-CA) called Trump out for igniting racist rhetoric that led to murder, Takei tweeted, “The legacy of Donald’s hate.”

Ok, well, considering that Reiner and Takei are trying to muddy the waters surrounding what happened in Georgia for their own political gain, they seem to be the ones standing in the way of proper justice for the people who died. 

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  1. Enjoy the fire that will not be quenched you Chosenite devil child. I can’t wait for Jesus Christ to return to the earth and wipe you vile sick satanic lefties out. Then there will be peace on the earth.

    1. Ok. So you want to throw around bible quotes. I do not know what was in the murderer’s mind. But we do know what was in Jesus’ mind when he said in Matthew 7 1: “Do not judge, or you too will be judged. · 2: For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you. Good luck when you get there!!!

      1. TLC/ You, like most non Bible scholars, don’t understand what Jesus ment in this verse. I would estimate that 80% of the people do not understand what is meant here.

      2. Strongly suggest you talk to someone who truly knows the Bible before you start posting verses from it to be used to be critical of someone else. For example, you just judged the person you were responding to; so good luck when you get there! Our culture uses Matthew 7:1 “Judge not lest ye be judged” to promote a tolerance that often encourages acceptance of behaviors the Bible forbids. We know that wasn’t Jesus’ intention – but apparently, TLC, you don’t.

  2. Those two pedophiles, Reiner and Takei have done NOTHING but spread vile rhetoric for the last 5 years. These deranged pedo’s blame the gun, outrage, racism, President Trump, etc., anyone or anything but the actual person who does the shooting. I am beyond sick and tired of disgusting, vile, racist hate mongers like these two spewing hateful rhetoric and blaming everyone but THEMSELVES. Pathetic pedophiles

    1. Shay I would really like to know who in their right mind would give credence to, let alone pay to see, a bunch of Narcissistic Hypocritical Xenophobic Misogynistic Transgender Queer Pedophiles (Hollywierd Morons) who reside in LA LA Land and have the comprehension and sophistication level of a dog turd, who either earn (?) their living pretending to be someone else or live a charmed life because of their looks, questionable talent or might know someone who might be someone important!!!! These HYPOCRITICAL CLOWNS have the brain of a pebble and need someone else to put words in their mouths alter their voices or make them up to appear semi presentable and/or coach them in a way to appear semi literate or talented. Listening to them speak without a script speaks volumes for their character intellect and or sophistication (or lack thereof)!!! I would be remiss if I failed to include Athletes who pontificate as if they are royalty and are paid a king’s ransom for having a God given talent to play a professional sport, and are in need for nothing!

      What makes matters worse is these insecure clowns CRAVE attention and all the adulation they can get so much so they promote countless televised events in which they pat each other’s backs presenting award after award to one another for accomplishing absolutely nothing!

      The difference between Hollywierd Idiots and political idiots is most often Hollywierd Idiots have writers to make them appear to be semi intellectual. Take the writers out of the equation and you have Robert DeNiro. We all know how intellectual he displayed himself to be when he ranted about Trump. Actually truth be told DeNiro was describing most of Hollywierd particularly himself

      Here is something to ponder – The United States has become a place where entertainers and professional athletes are mistaken for people of importance.

      Well at some time in our life most of us have probably needed the services of a Doctor or have been taught by a Teacher. Most of us have needed farmers, and on occasions an auto mechanic, a plumber, a house painter, and many other everyday people. But I would be more than willing to bet the farm that none of us have EVER, not even once NEEDED a Pro athlete, media personality, or Hollywierd entertainer for ANYTHING!!!

      A Hollywierd celebrity or professional sports personality is an entertainer; so is an organ grinder’s monkey. Does anyone really believe I care about what an organ grinder’s monkey, Hollywierd idiot or Pro-athlete thinks, (or most importantly says) about anything?

      1. Don’t forget those females AND males who traded sexual favors in order to get their parts on TV and the Movies. Stay well brother, we are a dying breed now.

      2. Sir you have put the nails in these ABSOLUTE IDIOTS coffin. Nobody gives a Rats Ass what the Hollywhacks,NFL,MLB,NBA,NASCAR or whatever Soccer is thinks. And yes please dont lower the Organ Grinders Monkey on this key thought. I do believe he has the sense to keep his TRAP SHUT. We have our neighbors who we care for(at least some of them) 1st responders,Military,Our Border patrol,ICE and anyone else who wears a badge. We have seen where our FBI,CIA seem to turn the other cheek when it comes to the left. So I dont count on anything going forward on there behalf. Pray I am wrong. In closing thank you sir for this peace and service to our Beloved United States of America.

    2. You are correct! These two hypocrites have done more to further the sickness in the world with their idiot comments and ideas. Reiner is a first class big mouth and Takei needs to go back to the outskirts of the universe!

  3. Ya have a meat head and a gay and all they do is blame Trump for everything that happens. You would think they had some brains. Guess not.

    1. There is NO SUCH THING AS “GAY” unless it is to express the feeling of glee or happy times such as in “the gay 90’s.”

      The term GAY is a politically Correct attempt at deflection off ABOMINABLE acts.

      Political Correctness is a manipulative tool employed by the left for centralizing power to end all debate on all subjects frowned upon by the one dimensional regressive LIEberal left!! That way they needn’t have to have the means to defend their agenda just employ the standard deflective tools ingrained in the vacuum between their ears!!

      Political Correctness is a doctrine, fostered by a delusional, illogical minority and rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a turd by the clean end.

      Political Correctness has the power to dictate one’s policies onto everyone else!!

      Political Correctness leads to lawlessness

      “Political Correctness” is Fascism disguised as manners.” – George Carlin

      Political correctness is the antitheses (reciprocal) of reality

      Political Correctness is a tsunami of raw sewage!!!

      1. You are correct Marine. “Political Correctness” is “raw sewage” and just means you have to bowel down to total “morons”.

  4. I met Carrol O’Connor in our LA FBI office back when his adopted son had died of a heroin overdose. O’Connor was a great man who appreciated the fact it took the FBI only a few days to investigate and arrest the dealer responsible for his sons death. O’Connor knew exactly the type of man Reiner was and still is and he would be sickened by Reiner political positions. I’ve also met George Takai’s family and they refer to him as the family embarrassment who suffers from a severe mental illness. These two idiots apparently don’t have any faith in what the police detectives have said or even what the murderer has said. This crime had nothing to do with race, period.

  5. I believe that Reiner reached the pinnacle of his potential when he played Meathead. Born to a silver spoon by his actor father made life for him a bit too easy. His greatest complaint as a child was running out of Orange Juice.

  6. Too bad that those on the left are so very hateful of everyone that does not think the way they do. President Trump has been out of office about two months now and the satan worshipping DEMONcrats are still blaming him for everything they can, quid-pro-joe knocked the border gates down and caused a flood of illegal immigration and who do they blame for it?that’s right PRESIDENT TRUMP, those on the left especially things like the sick and twisted and hateful hollyweird things all need to get their heads out of each others crotch and look around and see who is really causing the trouble. These leftist creatures think that TRUMP is going around and shooting people out of hand. I bet there is not one actor that will stand up for the right and do the right thing by the people. When Jesus returns these actors that have attacked His people and tried to throw the church down they will have the shock of their life, he will be wielding a very sharp two edged sword and those vile creatures of the night will be cut down.

  7. Somebody Please tell me the relevance of these two “gentlemen” having to do with anything that has or will happen in America. Two old unimportant men trying to become relevant by showing just how STUPID they appear.

    The “elites” from California will blame President Trump for the next 20 plus years for anything that is not “woke”, even lacking anything provable or even reasonable, just because he proved that he was capable and equipped to do wonderous things, that he said he would do.

    Since he was able, with nothing but obstacles thrown in his way by the Democrats, reduce the unemployment in all major Races, Creed, Ethic groups including Women, Blacks, Hispanic and Asian that BHO and other occupants of the White House chose to ignore once they convinced them would be a Major part of their administration. Taxes were reduced, welfare recipients was drastically reduced and the American economy was the greatest in many decades.

    Our Military was restored after BHO had tried so hard to destroy it, and was setup to be further ruined when Hillard got in to office. Countries realized that America was on the way back and we were to be respected again.

  8. Gentlemen, and especially the Meathead, too bad you don’t have the brains, or use said brains, provided to you. The Meatheads father was one of the greatest writers and comedians that ever blessed this earth, too bad that none of the true life skills never helped this cry baby, who never did anything for anyone else. He wasn’t even a talented actor, his father got him any jobs he had. Then there’s George, a fine actor, a man that all the kiddies wanna to be. What the hell happened? Why don’t both of you put your money where your mouths are located? If no one, except you, know the truth about the spa murders, slide your feet to the closet police station and report in. Both of you gentlemen are true cowards, always blaming someone else, but never knowing the truth. Mr. “Meathead” I love the work your father did, except for one thing, giving a spoiled brat life. Too bad you aren’t a little like him. George, I don’t know your background, nor do I care, but I know what a sad person you have become. Too bad Hollywood never gives back, for anything. Gentlemen, during WWII, Hollywood did so much for America, but not you, You have only badmouthed the military, always blaming either the living or the dead, BUT never giving back to the people who both ripped off. There is a place in the hereafter waiting for you, but don’t look up, that’s not where you’re headed. And that’s too bad.

  9. You can always tell when someone has done a good job and that is when the insane Hollywood sickos complain about them. Like Hanoi Jane complained about America. These Hollywood sickos have no shame.
    President Trump lives in their minds.

    1. As a Vietnam vet who served three consecutive combat tours any mention of Hanoi Jane brings my blood to a boil. I would just as soon FLUSH THAT 8ITCH as to look at it just like Dianne Frankenstein and Nancy PIGLOUSY NO USE FOR ANYOF THEM

      1. Truly refreshing to read an old jarheads calm, collected and un-impassioned analysis of two POS’s statements. Hope to see more of you. OOHRAH!! MASS 2, MWHG, 1st MAW 1955-62

  10. When one resides in an area that is known for it’s inattention to reality, a bit tough to believe they are cognizant of the truth.

  11. Wow! Was I surprised that the Democrats and Hollywierd elites would immediately blame President Trump? NOPE, not in the least. I have been saying for almost five years now that anything and everything that is bad that has happened the liberals will blame it on Trump. I do not care how unrelated or stupid it sounds, they will blame it on Trump, Trump Supporters, and Conservatives. Two of the eight females murdered were NOT Asian which is what 25%. I wonder what the percentage is of Asian women in massage parlors are in the Atlanta area. The two were directly across the street from one another and almost all right in that area on that street are run by Asians. This sick pervert was on his way to Florida to kill more females in the “massage” business. Democrats should know about perverts as there are quit a few in that party as displayed by Biden, Clinton, Cuomo, and Epstien, etc.

  12. The murders were the unintended consequences of the pro-abortion position of the Democratic party!!!!! By them taking the short-sighted position of ending the existence of a previously conceived person to end the stress that the female is experiencing [and thereby ‘harvesting’ her vote] when other people are stressed in life they can draw the incorrect conclusion that it’s permissible for them to kill whatever people are stressing them out [e.g. sex workers, kids, strangers, co-workers, etc].

  13. Has been Meathead is it again. Does this jack ass ever have anything positive to say about anything? He comes out of the wood work occasionally like a cock roach.

  14. unfortunately there’s no CURE for TDS. HASBEENS LIKE REINER AND TAKEI like to WHINE. BIDEN is president but the LOSERS are still blaming TRUMP for anything and EVERYTHING. this feeling of self importance is REALLY annoying.

  15. More importantly when the Patriots play next year in Atlanta where will Mr Kraft go to get a happy ending handy fun! Too soon. It’s never to soon and I don’t give a F$$k

  16. Let’s face facts! Every time one of these Hollywood goofs open their mouths they stick their foot in it. Just plan stupid.

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