Newt Gingrich States the Obvious: “No! We Aren’t ‘All In This Together!’”

Political News

Invariably, you see TV, radio, and even grocery store public address systems saying “Attention shoppers, please wear your face diaper and treat your fellow shoppers as if they are carrying the Bubonic Plague and could kill you on the spot by merely glancing in your direction.” The announcement continues: “Because after all, we are all in this together.” All in this together? Please!

We are not in this together. Government edicts have actually divided us into a nation of Haves and Have Nots. On one side, we have people in the “essential” portions, which does insulate them somewhat from some of the financial burdens many have faced because of COVID. Truck drivers, grocery store workers, many factory workers who are producing a product or service in demand, are mostly doing fine. Along with them are those individuals who are lucky enough to have positions that allow telecommuting.

And that’s fine. These Americans are working and they should get paid and get paid well. Additionally, there are government employees at all levels continuing to get paychecks like clockwork with little-to-no burden-sharing there. What’s more, there’s not a lot of value-added that have given me pause and others, too. I’m speaking specifically about teachers in certain areas. I’ll delve more into that shortly.

The former Speaker of the House from Georgia, Newt Gingrich, PhD., has a very interesting article out regarding IPOTUS Joe Biden. In case you are wondering, the “I” stands for “incompetence.” Newt’s premise is Joe Biden’s actions since the inauguration have been herding more and more people back into the corner of former President Donald Trump. One can picture Trump sitting down in a gold room at Mar-a-Lago saying “I told you so!”

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The Washington elites in the establishment still can’t comprehend the dynamic that allows Trump to withstand constant attacks from the Left and the media without losing his core supporters. It has strengthened their resolve and dedication to Trump. This drives the Left insane! At this point, the key to Trump’s following is President Joe Biden

Newt continues:

Every time Biden signs another left-wing executive order (supporting tax-funded abortion, effectively eliminating Title IX protection for women’s sports, killing tens of thousands of jobs in pursuit of a radical climate agenda) Trump supporters are reminded they have no alternative.

Personally, I like Dr. Gingrich. He’s spot-on in his assessment. Moreover, he points out something many have often thought of. The haughty, condescending, “I’m better than you” aura the Left projects onto others is absolutely insufferable. What’s more, they don’t see what they’re doing and how the react is playing throughout the country. The apt description of coastal elites is astute.

To this point, Gingrich provides a helpful link to a Montgomery County, Maryland school system memo sent out in an email to parents. From the memo (emphasis, mine):

MCPS Hiring Classroom Monitors

As we prepare for our return to an in-person learning experience, we anticipate a need for adults to support the supervision of students. If you know any adults with a high school diploma/GED who would be interested in monitoring students at $15.72 per hour, please encourage them to apply to be considered for the position of classroom monitor. Duties include monitoring classrooms for teachers who are providing virtual instruction to students in the building and supporting in-person teachers. Interested individuals need to apply
on We do anticipate the need for classroom monitors at our school however, we cannot guarantee our site would be the location all interested individuals would be assigned to work.

Speaker Gingrich once again, sums up, most eloquently:

Note that the teachers refuse to go back to work in the schools, but it seems safe enough for common, untrained parents to monitor the students in-person.

This is more of the same corrosive division from the Left. There’s a single set of rules, work environments, and even personal risk elites will absolutely accept and will condemn others who don’t align. The rubes in flyover states who are bitter clingers? Well, they can learn to code or perform some other menial labor for a teacher who can’t be bothered to go to work.

Content syndicated from with permission.

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  1. I tend to agree with the ‘let them destroy themselves’ idea, but unfortunately
    THEY’RE playing fast & loose with the rest of our lives. It’s like the perfect storm. Worst WORST case scenario.

    1. Yeah. Let them destroy themselves. Let the rest of us find shields so we don’t go down With them. That’s my biggest fear. Not them wielding power for a time. The long term damage. I’m worried that by the time I’m Gingrich’s age or older, America will still be “under repair” from the damage these people are doing to our nation.

  2. The democrat’s only objective is too destroy this country more then what Obama did in his 8 years of distain for America, Trump brought this country out of the cesspool that it was in after Obama’s rule. Obama allowed terrorist into this country and paid a terrorist country billion’s of dollars for them to keep up their terrorist activities. Apologized to other country for America being in wars to even when a country bomb Pearl Harbor. Sent guns to criminals in Mexico. Biden is a puppet of Soros and Obama. Biden and Harris and the liberal democrats will destroy this country. Voter in New York needs to vote out their governor and every democrat in office Federal, State and city office’s Voter around the country needs to vote out all the democrats and rhino’s in their states. If the United States is to be free and have Rights then need to vote out the communist democrats every one of them.

    1. We need to go back to the basics that this country was founded on. We have made mistakes over the years. Slavery was all around the world including the Europe, China, India, South America and Africa. Indentured Servants and Slaves were some of the Terms use. You could buy your freedom or physically take it. America was settled by European countries as part of the Country they came from such as England (British Isles), France and Spain.
      The Americas were part of England, France and Spain. We fought the French because England wanted us to because we were a Colony and paid taxes. Eventually we asked for and tried for Representation in England because we were over taxed. England refused us after many tries including the Tea Party which was the Basic start of our Revolution. England sent the Army to shut us down and we fought for Representation it at great loss of Men. Then the colonies (13) formed the Declaration of Independence outlining the basics.
      It was able to be added to (NOT MODIFIED). Over the years there have been Additions and Cancellation of the Amendments based on Congressional Meetings by the people and for the people. We are not perfect but the First 10 Amendments should NEVER BE CHANGED. This is the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA that many have Fought and Died for. Citizens of all colors and races, White, Black Americans, Native Americans, Chinese, Japanese, many Others some who fought before they became an American.
      This is what the Veterans have fought and died for and will do it again if I am needed.
      I am a second generation American from a Marxist Country.
      I have lived here for 77 years and have Good Times and Bad Times which I overcame because this is the Country that I LOVE and would do anything to keep AMERICA GREAT.

      1. I’ll say this to you, man. Some of the most patriotic Americans I met were not born here. Because they know what communism, fascism, marxism, socialism and the like can do. They’ve seen the destruction, they’ve seen human life treated as having no value, they’ve seen the lines for stuff that never should have been rationed. They’ve seen the issue of cops being nothing more than thugs in uniform. They’ve seen all this and more, stuff that would probably horrify most of us. They understand what many who were born here don’t.

        I was born here, as was a number of generations of my family, so I can’t truly comprehend Marxism like you or your parents do. And honestly, I’m glad I don’t truly understand such evil. I have more important things to fill my head with, like happiness, joy, memories of my pets, friendships, things that truly matter.

        Like you said, “I’m a second generation American from a Marxist country.” And you’re more patriotic than probably 2/3 of the 17 floor apartment building I live in.

        And THAT …. that is sad.

  3. We should have parental monitors in the classroom to stop the spread of the progressive indoctrination of our elementary level pupils!!

    1. Excellent idea. BTW, where _are_ parents when (presumably) elected school boards mandate their children’s brainwashing with things like “Critical Race Theory” and “Heather has two mommies”?

  4. This has been in the Pipeline since about 1914. Obama PROMISED us he would Fundamentally Change America and Hillary was the Queen to Be, as determined by the Chamber, the Media, and the Oligarchs running Big Tech. Why would big business and big tech be satisfied with a lousy customer base of 350 Million when a Billion 450 Million are to be relieved of $$$? The Republic to these morons is just a Convenience that allows them to take advantage of the ineptitude of our so-called Leaders. The Dim Wits are just the current Useful Idiots thinking they will escape the ultimate misery Socialism ALWAYS fosters. Republic/ Capitalism = Freedom; Socialism = Suicide; Communism = Murder. History is a BRUTAL Teacher and thinking this set of elites, educated beyond their Intelligence, can do what no one else has ever achieved. Cuba, Venezuela anyone?

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