Leader of Far-Left ‘Insurgence USA’ Group Encouraged Rioters to Enter the Capitol

Political News

Thursday we posted some details of some of the people who entered the Capitol during the riot on Wednesday. One of those individuals is John Sullivan.

According to the video Sullivan captured of the events, he encouraged protesters to enter the Capitol.

Deseret News reports:

Sullivan said he also intended to “support the Black community” with his attendance, but also feels it was “important to understand” those who were protesting in support of President Donald Trump.

But some of the 40-minute video he posted to his social media sites contradicts his assertion that he and another woman were “only filming” the actions and not participating as he can be heard in the video encouraging people to join them as they push their way through police barricades.

Just after people broke into the building, Sullivan — wearing a gas mask and wielding an iPhone on a stabilizing stick — and a woman who said Wednesday that she was making a documentary on Sullivan, are on the first porch area outside the entrance looking back over the throngs of people around the Capitol. They can be heard encouraging people to climb the wall, saying, “Come on. Let’s go!”

Sullivan claims he was just “blending in.”

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Many, probably most, of the people who entered and damaged the Capitol are Trump supporters. Several have lost jobs as a result, and many will face charges. One, Ashli Babbitt, was shot and killed by capitol police right next to Sullivan.

There has been some question of who instigated the crowd to enter. Sullivan, by the evidence of his own video, did. He is anti-Trump and aligns with BLM.

The name of his group, Insurgence USA, suggests his intentions. An insurgence is “an act of rising in active revolt.” Another word for insurgency is insurrection. A pop-up on the group’s website says “WE ARE THE REVOLUTION.”

Pop-up on Insurgence USA website.

None of this excuses those who invaded the Capitol. It does shed some light on how it happened.

Sullivan has a history of organizing a previous protest that turned violent, from which he faces criminal charges.

Sullivan, 26, faces two criminal charges stemming from a protest he organized in Provo last June.

Charging documents say Sullivan recorded several hours of the protest and is seen in the recordings “kicking vehicles and threatening drivers” and directing protesters to block intersections.

During that protest, a Provo man, 60, was shot in the elbow after protesters blocked his vehicle. Sullivan later admitted to police that he knew who the gunman was but failed to report it to authorities, according to the charges.

The Provo protest shocked those who heard about it, as protesters surrounded the man in his vehicle, refused to let him pass, and shot him.

During a protest in August in Washington DC, Sullivan openly called for “revolution.”

In August 2020 remarks to a small crowd at a Washington, D.C., intersection, Sullivan pointed to the nearby White House and unleashed a torrent of violent rhetoric. “We … about to burn this s— down,” he said. “We gotta … rip Trump right out of that office right there,” he continued, adding, “We ain’t about … waiting until the next election.” He then led the crowd in a chant of, “It’s time for revolution.”


His Insurgence USA group’s website advertised an event called “Kick These Fascists out of DC” on Wednesday around the same time as a pro-Trump rally near the National Mall.

In this Insurgence USA tweet, Sullivan can be seen on video preparing to go to Washington two days prior to January 6. The tweet uses the hashtags #BLM #Riot #BlackLivesMatter #DonaldTrump #Protest #Fuck12 #Police.


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  1. It would be helpful if a disclaimer would be included when the surname is also associated with well known Journalist.

  2. The last part, which sounds like TCD’s opinion, couldn’t be further from the truth. About “most of them were trump supporters”.

    No, more like a minority were Trump supporters who got carried in with the mob. That there is evidence of large groups being bused in, and the police are complicit and knew about this. These were not Trump supporters being bused in. These were paid thugs. Paid by who? BLM is one such culprit.

    Where there some Trump supporters who got carried away, yes. The majority who engaged in destruction were not Trump supporters, or at least not Real Trump Supporters. In short, they proclaimed to be Trump Supporters, and have probably been doing so for a long time.

    IE sleepers. The LEFT knew they’d need a time when they’d have Trump Supporters doing evil things. And they promised these fake “Trumpers” that they’d pull them out of the fire when the time came. So, yeah, we had snakes in our midst.

    They made plans for a variety of ways to discredit and destroy Trump. This is one of their latest methods. The fact they’re still attacking says they’re scared he still has weapons he can deploy.

    1. The corruption is beyond belief…even when exposed ….nothing happens….I guess they packed the courts pretty well with their kind. There is nothing more disgusting than an Oath breaker! And the breaking into the capital..come on….the democrats aren’t new to planting decoys and pointing fingers at others for what ‘they’ do.
      Yes. God Help us!

  3. I feel so bad for the Trump supporters that were at the rally as they were not the cause of the rioting. Some of them were drawn into the debacle by activities of Black LivesMatter and Antifa. President Trump’s speech had nothing to do with the riot on the Capitol Building, he even asked those at the rally to please cause no trouble and go home without doing any damage to anyone or thing.
    The new left wind of the Democrats scares me with their new objectives and plans. I foresee China becoming a big part of our government being able to call the shots. We will have all kinds of restrictions placed on us and our freedoms, which are so precious to us, being lost as long as they are in power.
    All I have to say is GOD HELLP US.

  4. Conservatives must be careful not to be used by nefarious groups like BLM and Antifa. They just aren’t as experienced, and need to develop their own communicative patterns.

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