Twenty Things that Caught My Eye Today: Inhumanity Toward Dementia Patients & More (June 24, 2020)

Political News


1. Wesley J. Smith: The Bioethics Push to Starve Dementia Patients

The Netherlands and Belgium have long permitted lethal injection euthanasia for the ill and disabled who are competent. But now, doctors also may lethally inject incompetent people with Alzheimer’s, stroke, or other cognitively disabling condition if the patient so instructed while still compos mentis. And, it turns out, patients may not be allowed to change their minds once they lose capacity.

Let’s be clear about what we are discussing here. It is not force-feeding people who won’t eat. Nor are we discussing a feeding tube, which can be refused via a signed advance directive, because it is deemed by law to be a medical treatment. Rather, the point is to deny sustenance to people who willingly accept food and liquids by mouth.

2. [Language warning]

3. Coleman Hughes reflects on race, riots, and police

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For too long, “All Lives Matter” has been a slogan used only as a clapback to Black Lives Matter. What it should have been, and still could be, is a true movement to reduce the number of Americans shot by the police on a race-neutral basis. If the challenge for the Left is to accept that the real problem with the police is not racism, the challenge for the Right is to accept that there are real problems with the police.

4. Aaron Kheriaty: Police Brutality and the Suicide of Revolutionary Violence

5. Tom Hibbs: Why we choose racism and how we can escape it

6. Robert Royal: Seattle, Columbus, And Historical Fictions

Columbus was something other than a “white” conqueror; despite the unprecedented difficulties he faced in the new cultures he encountered, there were remarkably few instances of his mistreating anyone and some touching moments of understanding. He was usually unsure of himself, as we ourselves often are. Las Casas said of him, “Truly. I would not dare blame the admiral’s intentions for I knew him well and I knew his intentions were good.”

7. COVID-19 could lead to a ‘baby bust.’ Here’s why you should care

“While a net 3% delay in childbearing may sound small, it adds up to a lot of lost births: over 100,000 missed births if the delay continues over the course of the year. That’s about as many births as will occur in Utah over two years. In other words, while more diffuse around the country, the delay we’re talking about is as if an entire state just stopped reproducing itself,” said Lyman Stone, Demographic Intelligence’s chief information officer.”

8. Meghan McArdle: Where do we draw the line in tearing down statues?

Trump is no great moral theorist, but he does have a certain cunning about human behavior, enough, possibly to foresee that the Great Statucide would proceed by what conservative writer Rod Dreher has dubbed “the Law of Merited Impossibility”: Conservatives warning about the dire consequences of some social change are dismissed as hysterical cranks — and then, when exactly what they predicted eventually comes to pass, denounced as bigots for opposing the new order. Implicit in Dreher’s law is an intermediate phase in which a large number of people sit uncomfortably silent as the radicals take the moderate majority’s well-intentioned efforts further than they ever dreamed.

9. Christians a welcome scapegoat in Turkey

10. Vandals deface image of Poland’s Black Madonna in Dutch city

11. Dallas Morning News editorial: Foster care is still broken. Fix it already.

12. Shaun King’s Demand We Smash ‘White Europoean’ Jesus is Bigoted and Ignorant

From Kibeho, Rwanda to Fatima, Portugal to Champion, Wisconsin, the mother of God arrives looking like the natives. Mother Mary, clad in blue, presents herself to peasants while wearing veils, crowns, and rice hats of the region. She may have just been a poor Jewish woman on earth, but the queen of heaven has never shied away from adopting the ethnicity of any beleaguered soul. The lesson is clear: God’s saving grace is available to us all, but will be made manifest in the particular.

13. Jason L. Riley: No, Police Racism Isn’t an Epidemic

14. The New York Times: He Spent 25 Years in Prison for Murder, but Was Innocent All Along

15. Plastic keeps virus, not love away from Spain nursing home

16. Ben Peterson: Social Control and Human Dignity

The argument is that our incarceration system and treatment of people formerly incarcerated, fails to adequately respect the human dignity of prisoners, former prisoners, and their families and communities. The charge is based on the scale at which we incarcerate, the quality of treatment incarcerated and formerly incarcerated persons receive, and the overall state in which it leaves communities. The charge of injustice is based not on the fact of punishment, but on the reality that the total result of our method of social control is a failure to prevent crime in many communities, a failure to rehabilitate offenders and integrate them back into society, and a failure to leave poor minority communities better off.

17. ‘Choose to be Catholic and carry Jesus into the public square’: A Congressman’s advice to graduates

“I’m only one pro-life vote, but even that was too much for the national Democratic Party to stomach,” Dan Lipinski said in an interview with Our Sunday Visitor. “They wanted me, my vote, gone, for no other reason than my adamant pro-life stance — and to send a strong message to others that pro-lifers ‘need not apply.’”

18. George Weigel: Will Nancy Pelosi Take a Page From Her Father’s Playbook?

19. The Effect Of Music On A Fetus: What Every Parent Should Know





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