Racist, Fascist, What is Next

Political News

Our divider-in-chief has set the tone for the midterms and probably 2024 with all of the verbal assaults on Republicans, precisely what he calls MAGA Trump or Trumpies. The man who claimed he was the great unifier has pulled a 180 and is showing there are no limits to this rhetoric.

I have always believed that Democrats are based on emotions while Republicans depend more on facts and reality. That is one of the reasons that this verbal battle started by Biden appears to be gaining momentum. You always see polls closing as you get closer to an election, but in the case of the midterms, many are questioning if the Republicans can cash in on Biden’s lack of popularity.

Biden had been in seclusion for weeks and on vacation in Delaware every weekend since he was in office. With his popularity at record lows, there was little that Biden could take on the road to message. That changed with the signing of the Inflation Reduction Act. That was considered a huge win for the President and gave him the impetus to hit the campaign trail for many Democrats struggling to hold onto their seats in Congress. The problem for Joe is that the crowds at his rallies are small, and many Democrats do not want to be seen on stage with the President.

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This weekend, Joe Biden was in Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, where it is conceivable that these two swing states may turn Red. These appearances were on the heels of the controversial prime-time speech last Thursday. In that speech, flanked by two Marines in dress uniform, that President dropped the gauntlet on Republicans. In an address that was supposed to be healing, the President went full “divider” and pushed both sides further apart. This tactic is embarrassing, and what message does the President give to insult half of his country?

We see two different visions of America drawn by our two major parties. The America of Joe Biden is authoritarian, dictatorial, devoid of truth, and more divisive than anything we can imagine. The House Republicans are rolling out the Commitment to America plan that focuses on four points: a strong economy, a safe nation, a free country, and government accountability. I challenge any Democrat to show how any of those four points makes us an enemy of the state.

This plan is the message we need to get out before November and drown out the rhetoric and noise spread by the Democrats. We see what the Biden plan has done for America in the last two years. We might not survive another twenty-four months of Biden’s America. The money and media are on their side, but the facts and truth are on ours.

Elections are a marathon of campaigning, primaries, and finally, Election Day. With about sixty days left, the pace has quickened, and we are in the sprint phase. Every decision and every word is critical, as a misstep could be fatal. I am not confident that we will see a tsunami in November, but I am optimistic that people will vote with their wallets and the safety of their families in mind and do the right thing. We need to replace some of these liberal and radical Democrats with conservative Republicans who still see the Constitution as the roadmap for our country.

Content syndicated from ConservatriveViewFromNH.com with permission

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