Conservatism Is Gratitude

Political News

(Photo: Luther Abel)

“To my mind, conservatism is gratitude,” National Review stalwart Yuval Levin once said. “Conservatives tend to begin from gratitude for what is good and what works in our society and then strive to build on it, while liberals tend to begin from outrage at what is bad and broken and seek to uproot it.” 

So it is with a distinctly conservative sense of gratitude that we express our thanks to those of you who have contributed to National Review‘s Fall Webathon. Your donations affirm that you consider NR itself to be part of “what is good and what works on our society.” And we appreciate that your affiliation with our community, and your belief in our cause, have motivated you to help us build on these things in turn.

Carole Horten graciously gives $500, proudly noting her affinity for NR as an institution. “I am a long time supporter of NR. I wear my William F. Buckley pin with pride. Keep up the good work!” We will do our best, Carole, as you have clearly given us yours. Thank you. 

Robert Jablonski hands over $50, wistfully noting the passage of time. “Twenty five years of NRO. Where has the time (and my hair) gone! Would that I were as improved and meaningful as you guys!” Not to make you feel any older, Robert, but 25 years ago, I was three. If we’re still good enough to earn your loyalty after all these years, then we must be doing something right. And if you’re wise enough to have stuck with us after all this time, you must be no slouch yourself. Thanks, Robert.

Clarence Thompson contributes $200, simply urging us: “Keep up the good work.” Even foolish young people such as myself can understand advice that clear and direct. Thanks, Clarence.

Carl Watson also gives $500, identifying NR’s valuable role as a moral gyroscope for our politics. “No publication acts as the conscience of a nation the way NR does. Keep up the needed work!” Who needs Jiminy Cricket when you have National Review? Thanks, Carl. 

These are only a few of the charitable chums who have contributed to our Fall Webathon thus far. As good conservatives, we are grateful for many things, very much including the friendly funds of our supporters. We quite literally could not do without you. And we will be further grateful for every additional dollar and supporter that comes our way. 

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