Mark Levin: A ‘massive movement’ is about to be unleashed against Biden’s Marxist agenda

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New York Times bestselling author and BlazeTV host Mark Levin said there is a “massive movement” of the American people waking up to challenge the progressive left and wrest control of the country away from the Democratic Party.

Levin, whose eighth book “American Marxism” is already a bestseller and is set to debut at the No. 1 spot on the New York Times bestseller list, told Fox News host Sean Hannity on Thursday that the record-smashing sales figures he’s seeing for his book remind him of the beginnings of the Tea Party movement against the Obama administration and the early sales of his first smash hit, “Liberty and Tyranny.”

Transcript below:

I was part of the Reagan revolution. I was part of the Tea Party movement. I was part of the Trump revolution. There is a massive movement afoot. It’s not under the radar, people just aren’t looking at it.

The silent majority is not going to be silent anymore. The American people are furious with what’s happened to their country — and by American people I mean all American people who love this country regardless of their color, their religion, their background — red-blooded Americans, they are sick and tired of what they’ve seen in the first six months of this administration.

They don’t like they way they’re being treated by the elites in the media. They don’t like being looked down upon by these phony professors who they bring on TV who trash them. They are disgusted with the teachers unions, parents all over this country can’t believe what’s happened to elementary schools and secondary schools. Parents go broke to send their kids to college and now they’re coming home on Thanksgiving or other days and they don’t know what’s happened to them.

We are paying for our own demise with tenured marxist professors and administrators, for schools that are turning on our founding and our history. Americans love their history. Americans love their history, the good, the bad, and the ugly. Americans are sent all over the world for people who do not look like them.

America’s borders are wide open. We have a president of the United States who is violating our immigration laws, who signs executive orders like he’s Benito Mussolini.
We’re sick and tired of hearing from San Francisco Nancy Pelosi and New York City Chuck Schumer. What they intend to do to our court system — those courts belong to us! Attacking separation of powers and our constitutional construct.

We’re tired of the way the family is trashed in this country. The family. We’re tired of the way private property rights are treated in this country.

Now we, the people, we are peaceful. You won’t find us running around with molotov cocktails. You won’t find us attacking cops, we defend the cops. You won’t find us burning cities and so forth and so on. We’re not ‘mostly peaceful’, we’re 100% peaceful.

But we are pissed off!

And we have had enough!

And we’re done talking about it!

The idea that a book like this sells 400,000 copies in one week and is well on the way to half a million, I’ve been in these movements before. I saw what happened with “Liberty and Tyranny” and the Tea Party movement. We know our history. We are a great people. And we have people in this country who haven’t contributed a damn thing to it, trying to tear it down and redistribute wealth. They sound like they’re soap box Marxists, going on and on about ‘we don’t provide this! We don’t provide that!’ and ‘Bernie Sanders is gonna provide it and AOC’s gonna provide it.’

They don’t know a damn thing about this country. They use the benefits of capitalism to attack capitalism. They use the benefits of liberty to attack liberty. They use the Constitution to attack the Constitution. I’ve been around a long time and I’ll be damned if I’m going to sit still for this. And they don’t understand the American people. The American people are not going to roll over and play dead. The American people are going to speak out.

And let me tell you what’s going to happen in 2022 with the Manchin types and the others who pretend to be moderates who play footsies with these American Marxists: You’re going to get blown out. In fact, every damn one of you is going to get blown out. So kiss your career goodbye. You may have power now. You may be trying to force your will on the American people now.

But it will not last.

That’s what’s going on in this country. I feel it and I know it.

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