‘Science’? PolitiFact Denies the FACT That We’re Born Boys or Girls

Political News

You can tell a “fact checker” is marching to the drumbeat of the libertine left when they labor to deny the biological fact that the overwhelming majority of humans are born as either boys or girls.

On Thursday, PolitiFact took sides in the hallway Twitter battle between freshmen congresswomen Marie Newman and Marjorie Taylor Greene over the so-called “Equality Act” being debated. “We checked, and the science is clear: Gender identity goes beyond male and female.”

How can you trust any “fact check” from people who are this slippery with obvious facts? On Thursday, PolitiFact wasn’t subtle by illustrating their “check” with a picture of left-wing activists holding up a sign reading “TRANS EQUALITY NOW.” 

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Daniel Funke and Miriam Valverde spared Rep. Greene one of those “False” ratings on the Truth-O-Meter, but they took the typical approach of finding liberal “experts” to add some kind of pseudo-facticity to their gender-deconstructionist arguments:

Much of the political debate has centered on gender identity — particularly Greene’s notion that there are “two genders.” However, public health agencies, doctors and biologists say science is clear: Gender identity goes beyond male and female.

“Sex is a biological term, gender is a social construct,” said Ignacio T. Moore, a biological sciences professor at Virginia Tech. “In other words, gender can vary with society and culture.”

The belief that there are only two genders is an oversimplification, “and what science really tells us is that it is more complicated,” said Dr. Jason Rafferty, a clinical assistant professor at Brown University.  

It won’t surprise you that Professor Moore teaches a “Biology of Sex” course to correct “society” and “a general lack of scientific interest and understanding when it comes to sex and gender. He plays “devil’s advocate” with students who haven’t stretched their minds on the gender spectrum. They discuss controversies like transgender women competing with biological women in sports, so “the students are better informed, so when they become voting members of society, they can make informed decisions.” 

Sound like an objective expert? No. There’s no sign that Funke and Valverde ever sought a conservative counterpoint on this story loaded up with liberals.

PolitiFact stresses that a tiny minority of people are “intersex.”

Estimates for the proportion of babies who are born intersex range from 0.018% to 1.7%, depending on how intersex is defined. 

Nature provides variations in sex and humans decide how to categorize them, said Alice Dreger, a bioethicist who has researched differences of sex development. ”Nature doesn’t tell us who counts as male, who counts as female and who counts as intersex — we draw those lines,” she said.

An objective expert? Alice Dreger donated repeatedly to Obama for President and other Democrats and wrote a book called Galileo’s Middle Finger. Heretics, Activists, and the Search for Justice in Science. A reviewer explained: For two decades, historian Alice Dreger has led a life of extraordinary engagement, combining activist service to victims of unethical medical research with defense of scientists whose work has outraged identity politics activists.”

The article ends not on the facts, but about how “experts” worry about LGBTQ people at the hands of narrow-minded two-gender believers: 

A misunderstanding of gender identity and sex deserves clarification, experts said, because LGBTQ Americans — particularly youth — face more adverse health outcomes than other Americans.

“The big thing to remember is that it’s not just politics,” Rafferty said. “These are people’s lives.”

Common sense understanding of gender causes “adverse health outcomes,” so embrace gender fluidity if you have any compassion. That’s the “fact checking” message? 

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  1. Well this clears it all up!!! We hear that we should no longer listen to God’s Law but live by the ideas of the Left Wing Radical University and/or College professors who will say anything to get some recognition…

    1. for thousands of years, it’s been man and woman. Then the bible tells us that GOD created man and woman…..but no, these idiots want to change it and try shoving it down our throats. When do we tell them and the cancel culture do go pound sand?

    1. Robert: Morals are set by popular opinion and one’s feelings Therefore SOCIETY has no morals therefore society is in fact AMORAL!!

      Additionally: we are a nation that accepts pornography but hates abuse. A nation that doesn’t believe in gender but fights for women’s rights. We are a nation that believes no child should be left behind but we have aborted over 80 million. We are a nation where heroes have died so our flag could fly over a free nation, but then we give the title “heroes” to wealthy athletes who kneel in disrespect. We are a nation where political parties ignore the corruption of their own party while condemning the corruption of the other. We are a nation of laws, yet we are a nation where that only applies if you’re not politically powerful. We are a nation that has in God we trust printed on our money but we’re a nation where the ACLU sues anyone who make His name known in public. We are the “greatest” nation on the earth yet we consume more antidepressants than any other nation in the world. We are a nation that pledges we are “one” yet we’re a nation of aggressive division. I wonder why so many people are confused. Could it be Apathy, lack of personal responsibility, and pride, or is it so many people are just plain STUPID??

      1. You are so correct but how can they deny 2 genders yet choose to want to change from one to the other ? Eiter way they think or say there are still only 2 genders

        1. One question I have not seen addressed is – why are we setting aside the laws of nature just to pacify the ?% of people who ‘think’ they have a gender problem? Does this make sense? In other words, 9x % of the population is either male or female, right? So the majority should bow to, or sacrifice their rights, to placate the ?%. Right?

  2. One might suspect that those who operate all these so called “fact check” sites are actually living entities or aliens from deep space

  3. I dont care who you want to be . That said … girls have viginias , boy have penises . That’s it !!!! If you want to dress and look like a women and your a man … you get what you asked for , the same go’s for a women dressing like a man … you get what you asked for . You cant expect everyone to except it as you do . Be glad your not a white straight male . They take more crap then any one . Science doesn’t determine your sex , birth does . What you do after is in your head not your body . Just treat each other with respect and learn to live as humans . That said … science doesn’t determine your sex

  4. These communist controlled liberal democRATS should never be a rancher or raise any kind of animals, because they couldn’t tell the boys from the girls and would not be able to survive. Just because you say you feel like the opposite sex that you were born as don’t make it true.
    If the parts are there, then there you are.

  5. Are you kidding me!!! I know I was born with a penis, still have it, and never had an operation. This is sick, disgusting, stupid, and whatever other synonyms go with that description. I am a believer in God. I never push it on anybody that don’t want it. They can talk to Him about it when that time comes and I guarantee it will be a short talk as there will be no one to blame or excuses. You democrats bury yourselves quicker all the time.

  6. To Politifarce: Gender identity is not the same as gender at birth, at least for 99.99999999999999999% of births. There is a gender choice box on the birth certificate. This is determined by the body parts the baby has. Gender identity is what some humans want to be recognized as. The two are mutually exclusive as they relate to humans. If we could ‘choose’ our gender, then our body parts would automatically change on their own. Now show me the science that will make that happen, and I’ll believe you. Otherwise you need to follow your true calling of writing Science Fiction books.

  7. It is a simple matter: God created humans in a manner that demands the union of a male and a female to create another human, thus propagating the species. If God created humans to have “same-sex” unions, God would have also created males who could get pregnant and females who could impregnate. Since God chose not to create a race containing these factors, it is clear that we are destined to have male/female unions.

    For those who do not believe the existence of God, let us approach this question from a scientific point of view. If we evolved from some tiny element, mineral, or amoeba, the rules are the same: just the passage to Homo Sapiens differs. We still need male/female unions to propagate our species. Since evolution did not provide that in Homo Sapiens, it is clear, that homosexuality is as abnormal and unwanted in science as it is in the “Devine Creation: theory of life!

  8. Sex is a biological term, gender is a social construct,” said Ignacio T. Moore.

    Social construct my @ss. This is just another example of the left changing the meaning of words. The Oxford Etymological Dictionary of the English Language of 1882 defined gender as kind, breed, sex, derived from the Latin ablative case of genus, like genere natus, which refers to birth.

  9. I guess you can identify yourself as what ever you want. I mean why stop at gender. If you think you’re a stinky pile of donkey shit then who am I to question that. These people either have a very evil agenda or belong in the loony bin.

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