Trump suggests he might “declassify everything”

Political News


Let’s just start with the President’s tweet, since that’s what kicked all of this off. Expressing frustration with Attorney General Bill Barr, Donald Trump appeared to be reaching the end of his patience yesterday, retweeting a comment from author Todd Starnes, suggesting that the President simply “declassify everything.”

As reported in The Sun, this was part of a longer rant by the President, reflecting the reality that any investigations into Hunter Biden’s overseas business dealings or tax issues will very likely fall down the memory hole after Joe Biden is sworn in and installs his own people. And it’s not as if we haven’t seen similar things in the past.

Trump added: “I have been doing this. I agree!”

He then went on a rant accusing President-elect Joe Biden’s campaign and his son, Hunter, among others, of spying and treason.

“IF Biden gets in, nothing will happen to Hunter or Joe,” Trump tweeted.

“Barr will do nothing, and the new group of partisan killers coming in will quickly kill it all.

“Same thing with Durham. We caught them cold, spying, treason & more (the hard part), but “Justice” took too long. Will be DOA!”

I suppose the first question to ask is whether the President is talking about declassifying “everything” that’s specific to Barr’s investigation into Hunter Biden or, well… everything. We should probably assume he means the former. It’s rather unimaginable that Donald Trump would simply wave his hand and declassify every bit of information in the possession of the federal government, including all of our nuclear weapons and other tactical capabilities, the identities of overseas information assets, and countless other items that are critical to national security.

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Assuming we’re only talking about the Hunter Biden material, some journalists would need to move quickly to file FOIA requests for all of the information. But even then, the clock would be ticking. Whoever receives the FOIA requests could slow walk them until January 26th, at which point Joe Biden could simply classify them again. Yes, the optics of that would be horrible for the nascent Biden administration, but if you think that wouldn’t happen I would suggest you haven’t been paying much attention to the swamp for the past couple of decades.

I’ve also seen some people on social media asking if Trump actually could declassify whatever he feels like. The answer to that question is nearly unambiguously yes. This question has come up before and the general consensus is there are essentially no limits to the power of the President to classify or declassify information at will. The issue was even addressed by the Supreme Court back in 1988. The majority concluded that the President’s official capacity as the Commander in Chief gives him the final word on such matters without any congressional oversight.

The President, after all, is the ‘Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States’” according to Article II of the Constitution. His authority to classify and control access to information bearing on national security … flows primarily from this constitutional investment of power in the President, and exists quite apart from any explicit congressional grant.”

Assuming that President Trump has been made aware of his sweeping powers in this area, there’s really nothing stopping him from declassifying the Hunter Biden investigation, though it would be unusual in the extreme to empty the bag in an ongoing investigation. Then again, “unusual in the extreme” could probably be printed on the President’s business cards at this point.

While we’re on the subject, might I suggest a few other documents that Donald Trump could declassify for us if he’s in the mood to share? For starters, everything the Pentagon has on Roswell, other UFO incidents and the findings of the UAP Task Force to date would be nice. Oh, and he might finally release everything we have on the JFK assassination. (He suggested on the campaign trail that he might do that.) I’m sure we could think of a few more, but that’s already a pretty major laundry list to handle and time is running short.


Read the Original Article Here

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  1. I could not agree more. Since the liberal media is covering up the illegal dealings of the Biden crime family, the only way we the people will know the truth about the corrupt person about to become president and his corrupt family is for President Trump to release the information. Do it today!

    1. Do you think the liberal media will share this classified info on Joe and son? Not on your life. As a result, a solid 75% of America will not hear about it, and the majority of them that do, do not trust OAN, FOX & News Max. Hell everyone already had a chance to hear it, and vote accordingly, and did neither!

  2. I have to agree with the President, if Joe Biden takes the oath of Office then any and all investigations on Hunter Biden or Jim Biden will stop, or Joe Biden as President will issue Presidential Pardons for them.

  3. I understand that until the day she died, Jacklyn Kennedy sincerely believed that Vice President Lyndon B Johnson was complicit in the assassination of President Kennedy in Dallas and that fact was covered up by the Warren Commission to protect the faith of the American people in their government. I always thought that to be a far fetched conspiracy theory, but given what I see in the Democratic Party and it’s hold upon the Deep State and the Fourth Estate (supposedly the neutral media), I am no longer sure.

  4. Yes, Trump needs to declassify those documents that refer to the Bidens, Hillary, Comey, McCabe, Brennan, Stzrok, Page and others. The president would not declassify anything that relates to the safety of our country such as nuclear sites, military plans, etc. But he needs to get out all the information on these traitors to our country and he needs to do it NOW.

    1. Dee: Hello. Exactly ! All those mentioned MUST be indicted [could be done BEFORE 20 Jan 2021 under a Special Investigator personally selected by President Trump, not by the useless, compromised w barr “doj”]. We know our President Trump would not release anything that would jeopardize National Security. The “others” must include susan rice, lynch [ doj in the obummer badministration] and obummer himself. FYI, I prefer to name a couple of them as hitlary and pelousy.

  5. I believe that Trump is grasping at anything possible to get his way,he needs to walk away with a little bit of dignity he has left.We need a president that will protect our country.

    1. Connie, Connie, Connie…… keep drinking the Kool-aid by the corrupt demonistic party…or better yet take slepy joe & the hoe back to the basement with you!

    2. Connie do you mean like the dignity of the stolen election by the Democratic Party. There’s no dignity and becoming a banana republic

      1. And another thing he should do is have the military stationed at every polling place in Georgia so we know that at least that election will not be stolen!

  6. I fill everything should be released on any dealings of corruption within the Deep State of the government. The politicians that were elected in office are in there to help the people of the country NOT for their own personal gains, if they are not following the Rule of Law and are cheating the people of their rights and freedom the legal citizens who put them in the government offices which they hold now should be exposed and prosecuted to the fullness of the Law without any political negotiations (No Slap on the Hand and released without prosecution). Let the Hammer fall and Justice prevail for All. God Bless America

  7. Go ahead Mr. President, declassify everything. The Chinese already have been briefed. Nothing you release to the public now will hurt us any more than it already has in not knowing. It may in point of fact wake a few of the snoozers up. The people are entitled to know, and we know the coming dictators will want to keep us in the dark as long as they can.

      1. Yes, do it Mr. President, nothing will clear out the Deep State Swamp but cold, hard daylight.
        Declassify everything you can get your hands on!

  8. Declassify the Clintons too as well as heir connection to Epstein and all the other corruptions Hillary and Bill were involved in, not to mention the bogus organization they created to launder money. Hey while we’re at it, what about Obama? Let’s go all out. If we the American are going to lose our republic to a socialist, let’s go out swinging!

    It is so tiring to hear another investigation after another investigation when NOTHING happens to them. What a waste of American dollars and then allowing China in our country to buy up our businesses, national security, dictate as to how we conduct our country, hand over what ever they please to take from us.

    Then what about the terrorists from the middle east? We allowed and funded them to cause all killings of our own and destruction of our freedom and land. Where are these government representatives who are suppost to be on guard against such evils and destructions?


  9. Americans (the Conservatives): this 2020 BOGUS, fraud, cheated “election” by the demoncrats is the biggest, negative, travesty to our Country in history. No way, to name the head-cheater as a “…elect”. The lying, cheating bite-me biden ran it all, with the dnc and soros and top senate and house demoncrats…AND, all the cheating election poll-workers and supervisors and blue states election staff. They ALL go to jail.
    BUT: the demoncrats used the Covid pandemic as a weapon of war to get rid of Donald Trump. That said, and the fact that the World knows cheinna as purposely creating the Covid19 to get rid of Trump, their key USA deterrent to their world domination moving-forth…the top demoncrats COLLUDED with cheinna to create Covid19 to get rid of Trump. SPREAD THE WORD ! The top, vile demoncrats would deny it, just like they do NOT “state innocence”, instead they say “you have no proof”, which admits to being guilty.

  10. Having 535 ‘Personalities’ decide policy is bad enough, Imagine having 12-15 Supreme Court Justices, It would be the 9th circuit on Steroids. “IF” Biden actually won the six states in question, all having Identical Problems, at the same time?, the American people have been truly Duped by the media and the BIG THREE social censors.
    Is anybody paying attention to WHERE all the Burning Looting & Murdering (BLM) is occurring?

  11. I have been saying declassify everything that these democrats have been holding on to and fire the woman and Wrey who are holding onto this information. Why is President Trump allowing these democrats to keep these positions and the information from the public and our courts. I can’t believe the public has voted in the sick numbers they have for Biden when our gov’t is so crooked it isn’t funny and Biden and Obama are part of this crooked goings on. There is an old saying, you get want you vote for and the rest of us have to live with the crooks in charge. Another old saying, “Follow the money where these crooks are getting it from.”

  12. The deep state is at this point too deep to fight. It just is. Trump’s loss proves that. The SCOTUS decision not to investigate proves that. The demonrats and press for the past four plus years have proven that.

    It’s no use. It’s like the old saying that you can’t fight city hall, because you can’t. It’s akin to banging one’s head against a brick wall and then expecting good results. Not happening. It’s just not.

  13. Biden is far from the Our Whitehouse to inform all you lemmings, there are many cards yet to be played and as a Vietrain I hope Our President/ as Joe Biden will never be.

    Much like President Lincoln. I’d suggest this is another fake news outlet.

    I’d like to suggest brighteon dot com

  14. Please President Trump, declassify the Biden investigation information. If Biden (really the Harris/Obama regime) takes office, all Biden wrong doing will be hidden, lied about, & forgotten; especially by the propaganda arm of the Socialist Democrat party, the main stream media (CNN, NBC, CBS, ABC, – – – -). Also, please do not concede the election. Continue to demonstrate the illegitimate election results, & that history (until fully revised by the corrupt media) will reflect the coup that happened in the U S involving the 4th branch of government (the deep state), corrupt media, socialist democrats, & fraud by election machine programmers & misguided liberals.

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