A History Teacher’s View: Why Liberal Elites Can’t Understand the Trump Vote

Political News


The rationalists can’t explain everything. We’ve been here before.

In the coming months liberals and never-Trump conservatives will attempt to salvage their credibility by offering explanations for why the polls and prognoses of a Biden blowout were so egregiously wrong. Much of the chattering class has already chalked the closeness of the election up to racism—now called “white supremacy” because of the former’s overuse. And this despite Trump’s relatively strong performance among minorities.

More than a few of my left-leaning friends and colleagues in liberal Los Angeles have already asked me—the token conservative—how voters could be so dumb as to pull the lever for Trump twice. It’s as if any rational person could only understand the last four years as an ongoing catastrophe. As a history teacher in a prestigious independent school, I have a simple answer which comes from rational observation of teenage students mostly from well-heeled backgrounds: the cosmopolitan elites of the media and academia establishment, like the presupposing college bound teen with seniroritis who has the world all figured out, fail to grasp the blinkered nature of their own world view; in doing so, they fail to comprehend the full complexity of reality itself.

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The world view to which I am referring goes by many names—rationalism, secularism, humanism etc. It is a view that emanates from what I call the Enlightenment Myth: the idea that we arrived at the modern world by wholesale jettisoning of religion, tradition, and custom. It’s the idea that modernity was built from the ground-up, through secularized reason. As the AP European History concept outline in my textbook uncritically puts it: “They [Enlightenment thinkers] sought to bring the light of reason to bear on the darkness of prejudice, outmoded traditions, and ignorance, challenging traditional values.” Of note is not this drab statement itself, but the fact that its authors, like my students and the pollsters who predicted electoral carnage for Trump this election, take it as a matter of fact as opposed to ideology-driven historiography open to debate.

One can almost imagine the line I just quoted grafted onto the present: They [Democrats] sought to bring the light of reason to bear on the darkness of prejudice, outmoded traditions, and ignorance, challenging the traditional values of Trump voters in flyover country. The way this perspective plays itself out in my history classroom is illuminating, especially when we get to the Enlightenment. “Finally,” my students tell me, “something I can relate to.” For once the certitude of religious doctrine and cultural supremacy has given way to the recognizable and comfortable relativism of today. The rational, self-interested individual is finally free to achieve full autonomy and self-actualization. As the French Revolutionary document The Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen puts it: “Liberty consists in the freedom to do everything which injures no one else.”

This is why my students find it so incomprehensible when they learn that the rebellion in the Vendee—a pro-monarchy and pro-church counter-revolution—was led not by aristocrats but by peasants who wished to protect their way of life from the homogenizing intrusion of “reason.” For in the name of reason, their churches were being desecrated, their streets being renamed, and even their work week stretched out from 7 days to the more “rational” 10. Why, my students nonetheless ask, couldn’t the peasants recognize their own liberators, the ones who had sought to banish backwardness to the past and free them from clerical tyranny and feudalism? But after their momentary curiosity they usually move on to more pressing concerns. Questions like those are footnotes in history, one of life’s many unanswerable abstractions.

One of my mentors once stressed that as history teachers, our urge is often to make history relatable and hence understandable. Here are people just like you and me, as this or that anecdote demonstrates. But the allure of history, this mentor told me, lies just as much in the subject’s strangeness. History is full of weird events that are hard to understand and, if we succeed as history teachers we help students not to understand that weirdness but to at least inhabit it—to ponder it with the wonder of the childlike. In the same way that my students sometimes fail to inhabit the strangeness of history, which they inevitably reduce to obscurantism and benighted un-reason, the Trump despising elites of both parties, as well as academia and the media, fail to even attempt to inhabit the strangeness, the domestic exoticism, of the Trump voter.

Why would some Americans rather work and risk death during the pandemic than wait on a government stimulus check? Why would they choose, like the President seemed to, economic growth over rational self-interest and self-preservation? How could Latinos vote for a President who demonizes undocumented immigrants or gays for a man who has sought to ban transgender people from serving in the military? As a liberal student of mine put it to me, “I mean voting for him twice? How could people be so stupid as to vote for him a second time? Look at his record! How could the election even be this close? It’s depressing.”

“Maybe,” I said, citing the above evidence “not all Trump voters are racist.”

“Or maybe,” they replied, “it’s not just white people who are racist.”

In the book Dignity: Seeking Respect in Back Row America, Chris Arnade explicitly states “This book is not a book about ‘how we got Trump.’” Nonetheless, the lesson he learns from speaking with and photographing America’s marginalized is one that has gone unlearned by too many of us, even after the upset Trump victory in 2016 that should have reordered our curiosities towards comprehension of what we fail to understand. “My biases,” Arnade says of his time observing churches in poor neighborhoods, “my years steeped in rationality and privilege, was limiting a deeper understanding.”

There is no more perfect analogue to the failure of one’s historical imagination to inhabit anything other than the probity of the torchbearers of Enlightenment truth than Charles M. Blow’s recent New York Times op-ed entitled “Exit Polls Point to the Power of White Patriarchy.” As he works his way through the inexplicable numbers of non-straight white males who voted for Trump he ruefully laments “It is so unsettling to consider that many of our fellow countrymen and women are either racists or accommodate racists or acquiesce to racists.” Somewhere his high school history teacher is cringing. At least I hope he is.

Kurt Hofer holds a PhD in Spanish Literature and teaches high school history in a Los Angeles area independent school. 


Read the Original Article Here

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  1. Too often there are people who, lacking an ability to understand something, look for easy answers that require no further effort on their part. Easy answers are also quite often wrong, because they take shortcuts and neglect important critical facts.

    As an example, you can build a wall separating two countries without being Racist. But, the person who fails to understand the purpose of the wall looks for a fast simple answer. That answer is therefore obvious. The wall was created for emotional reasons.

    The designer has a personal vendetta, he hates the people of that country and wants to deny them access to his country. So, he is obviously a racist and the creation of the wall is an act of racism. This is an easy answer that doesn’t look any further than raw base emotion, settling on an answer without any facts to back it up. Since they have an answer for why the wall was created, the topic is closed.

    The truth however is far from their easy answer that the wall was created out of hatred. The designer saw there was excessive amounts of unauthorized access between the two countries that had an end result of hurting his own country. So, he looked for solutions and realized the simplest solution was to simply create a physical barrier preventing access. He is not against legal access, and the barrier will still have gates for legal and authorized access. But, by providing a physical barrier, there is the hope that unauthorized access will slow down, and as a result, the damage from that unauthorized access will also decrease.

    This answer requires a certain amount of logical thought, extrapolation, looking at external reasons, and most importantly, denying the fast emotional response which would shut down any further research. All of this takes extra time and effort to find your answer.

    People want simple answers to complex problems.

    You cannot apply Simple answers to something as Complex as Human behavior.

  2. My dad once remarked to a comment I made about WHY did so and so do that! His reply is timeless. Son! If Everyone was the same what a boring world we would have and probably no freedom! I entered the Navy shortly after and seeing how different we are in just different parts of America became apparent. Dad was a Survivor of WWII, served in the Pacific, and I was raised by Grands that were survivors of the Great Depression and WWII. Dad returned from WWII and was fortunate enough to have a Job with his Old Company called Houston Natural Gas Co., but the meager wages were just enough to help support Grandmother, Mother, and me, so he worked two other jobs. Sharpening reel-type lawnmowers in our falling down garage until midnight, then HNG from 8 to 5 and then his own appliance Service Co until dark and then lawnmowers till midnight. Then a cousin, with a new wife and child from Dallas came looking for work! SO Dad undertook to renovate a closed grocery store into an appliance sales and service company. Mother with a 3rd-grade education became the bookkeeper and appliance demonstrator. We were doing well! but that was in the late 40s-60s and the Bureaucracy had not quite got the idea about HOW to TAX a business to Death! Short answer Dad passed away at age 50, I was married and just out of Navy after 8 years with wife and three children and Mom was living by Babysitting. NO ONE ever had to EXPLAIN Patriotism or Responsibility or Pride in workmanship or Ownership. It was Accepted as NORMAL. Fast Forward 50 years and Communism, Socialism, Progressivism [all incestuous stepchildren], and We the People are the beneficiaries of those ideologies now becoming mainstream. I’m NOT trying to set myself up as Special or Privileged or Entitled. The Revolutionary War ( the one that Created our independence from Great Britain[don’t ask a College graduate that question because it’s No Longer taught] was fought by less than 2% of the colonist! and 10 years or so later some of the Brightest Minds in the NEW REPUBLIC set about to adopt a CONSTITUTION Uniting the several(13) Colonies into the UNITED STATES of AMERICA. When you read the Founders Papers you can glean that they NEVER dreamed of having to explain that this Republic was meant for a MORAL and RELIGIOUS people and totally unfit for any other and the necessity to spell that out in the Constitution’s Bill of Rights. Seems as Brilliant as they were they neglected the Depravity than mankind can and Has sunk to. When a Party vying to Represent We the People can completely Ignore our Founding Principals based on Judeo-Christian theology and actually have a following of half the nation it makes you wonder if we are Worthy of Self Governance? Are we in the end stages of the TYTLER Cycle preparing for Bondage once again? Enter the COVID-19 Hoax. Yeah, I Know People are dying and if we can save Just One Life it’s worth the sacrifice!..Tell that to my shipmates that died! Tell that to the 50 Million Children Murdered in the Womb.( Mostly Black and By Design). Does it strike anyone as strange that since Feb. 2020 not a single person has died from Cancer, Heart Disease, Diabetes, Obesity, etc? Is it a Fluke that America is going to have a Vaccine that is 90% (Repeat 90%) effective when we don’t have a Flu Vaccine that is 40-50% Effective? Still no vaccine for AIDS? If you have read this far you should recognize the Media and Big Tech have an Agenda and it’s NOT for the Good of the Republic but for $$$$. Why else would THEY all push the same narrative of attacking Trump? The OUTSIDER is upsetting 200 hundred years of CONTROLLING the Political Outcome and THEY all want part of China’s 1.4 BILLION POCKETBOOKS. Seems FREEDOM is a GIVEN in their eyes. How Stupid can you Be??? I have commented many times about looking to History for the way Forward, but since history is no longer taught, except for dates and places, asking our youth to understand education is ONLY the start of Learning HOW to Learn. The Big Question is WILL THE REPUBLIC SURVIVE or will we become a Socialist State answering to China? Russia is a Red Herring and only pollutes the water. China is REAL!

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