California guns sales continue to break records

Political News


I thought this wasn’t supposed to happen in the liberal paradise of California. While some sectors of the economy continue to tank in the Golden State, particularly tourism and restaurants and bars, another type of business is cleaning up. While not all gun shops are open, the ones that are can’t keep their products in stock. Gun sales this year have surged to levels never seen before and they’re on track to see the largest number of sales in a single year ever. Surveys conducted of those making purchases in 2020 show that nearly 40% of the people buying a firearm legally are doing so for the first time. And the reasons they give for doing so are both predictable and familiar. (Free Beacon)

According to a new study, Californians have bought guns at a record pace, many for the first time, despite recent gun-store shutdowns.

The study, which a group of researchers at the University of California released in October, found that pandemic-caused uncertainty has led to increased demand for firearms in the deep blue state.

First-time owners accounted for 47,000 of the 110,000 people who bought a gun during the onset of the pandemic, the study concluded.

As we’ve discussed here in the past, many of those first-time shoppers are running into a number of unpleasant surprises. Most Californians with no experience in exercising their Second Amendment rights previously supported the state’s many gun control laws. But now they are frequently shocked (Shocked, I say!) to learn that they have to fill out endless forms, endure lengthy waiting periods and pay for expensive permits and training courses before they can bring their new purchase home.

So what are the most common reasons cited for the decision to purchase a firearm for the first time in California? They are as follows:

You Might Like
  • Response to the pandemic
  • Worry about lawlessness
  • Worry about prisoner releases
  • Potential government collapse
  • Gun stores closing

Dear California liberals suddenly awaking to these realizations. I have some news for you. Each and every one of the concerns you’ve listed as reasons to exercise your Second Amendment rights are completely valid. But there’s one more thing you need to understand. This is all your own fault.

You’ve elected liberal Democrats to every statewide office. You’ve made them a supermajority in the state legislature. You’ve hounded the few conservatives in your state to the point where they’ve been leaving in droves.

The lawlessness you are now panicking over is being perpetrated by mobs of people chanting the same messages that your party has endorsed. The prisoner release programs iarepart of the “Empty the Jails” trend put in place by Democrats. The gun stores were closed by endless, burdensome regulations that Democrats put in place or through executive orders issued this year by your Democratic Governor and the Democratic Mayors of all your large cities.

Having a tough time legally purchasing a firearm now that the mobs are approaching your doors and chaos is engulfing your streets? Tough cookies, moonbeam. This is what you voted for. This is what you demanded. You got exactly what you wanted and now you can live with the results. I’d wish you good luck, but I’m fairly sure you’d get the impression that I didn’t really mean it.


Read the Original Article Here

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  1. I have some sympathy for the few decent sane folks still trying to live in California. I HAVE ZERO ^%^&* to give for all the rest of you. YOU VOTED FOR THESE CORRUPT, LYING Democrat politicians. They have ruined your state. Your state BURNS every year because your gubmint is too stupid to follow proven, centuries old, good forestry practices. Then your state suffers mudslides in the areas burned out by the fires. And your energy grid, once the envy of many other countries and states, is an utter failure as your democrat politicians have shuttered perfectly functional facilities on the altar of man made global warming lies. And you have collectively sat back and let them do this to you.
    And lets not forget Ted Liu (if I have his name right) one of your dem reps that is doing time for illegal firearms trafficking. Sounds like “rules for thee, but not for me”.

    Sorry, not much sympathy for a situation you’ve brought upon yourselves.

    1. It’s been a long time since I ladt commented on these sites. I unsubscribed to this site, please hear me out, long ago because of these types of articles and comments. Not yours Tim, yours was sane and readonable. These articles still come to my junk mail folders, which means this site has ignored my requests to unsubscribe me. Very liberal of them don’t you think.
      The article spews a bit of hatred towards ALL Californians. I guess they think that the 4.5 million republican voters in California are liberal too, and that their particular state has no liberals in it.
      Look around you. They are every where. In fact, we have more republicans in California than many of these haters have people in their states.
      Another talking point of the haters is that the Californians moving out of California are liberals. How does that make sense? I know a lot of people who have left this state, I will soon, and not one of them was liberal, nor did they suddenly start voting liberal once they moved.
      This author ought to be ashamed of himself for hating on good people. That kind of attitude does not help anyone, or look very good on someone who professes to be conservative. I know, because I’m very conservative.
      I just have to stop going through my junk mail from time to time and letting myself be enticed into reading some article that sounds interesting, but turns out to be another poorly researched, extremely biased, carelessly written opininion piece from someone too lazy to consider what their words really mean, if anything.

  2. I used to live in the communist state of California. The guns laws there have always sucked. The first handgun I bought in 1982 I had to wait 15 days to pick up. Now it’s only 10 days but that is still ridiculous. The available guns there is very limited. They have all these unrealistic features that a handgun must have so the available selection just plain sucks. And forget about getting a decent looking semi-auto or assault rifles as they like to call them. I moved and I know many other conservatives that moved here to Arizona I just hope that the people who are stupid enough to vote democrat stay in the Democratic People’s Republic of California AKA Commiefornia.

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