Biden told so many whoppers last night, Burger King may sue him

Political News


The first thing I’ll say about last night’s debate is more of an overall impression than anything else. Joe Biden surprised me. There… I said it. He managed to meet the exceedingly low bar that had been set for him by staying awake for the entire debate and not soiling his undergarments on stage. (That we know of, anyway.) He definitely engaged in some verbal wandering at points, but for the most part, he managed to stay on topic and didn’t completely veer off into lala land. So he had that going for him.

With that out of the way, we should probably dig into some of the substance. If you’re looking for a list of the President’s more dubious claims or exaggerations, there will be no shortage of them all across the liberal media landscape this morning. What you’ll see far less of is any serious fact-checking of former Vice President Biden’s wild and wooly claims. But since somebody is going to have to do it, let’s run down a few of the lowlights of Joe Biden’s performance.

Right out of the gate, one of the first questions that erupted into a food fight was the idea of the Democrats getting rid of the legislative filibuster and packing the Supreme Court if Biden wins and his party retakes control of the Senate. This one doesn’t fall into the category of a “lie” on Uncle Joe’s part. If anything, it’s worse. He flatly said “I’m not going to answer the question.” I’m struggling to remember if any candidate in presidential electoral history has ever done that during a nationally televised debate. Is this similar to Nancy Pelosi’s old playbook on Obamacare when she told us we needed to pass the bill to find out what was in it? You’ll need to elect me to find out what I’ll do as President. That was a stunning moment.

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Speaking of the Supreme Court, Biden was invited to comment on Judge Amy Coney Barrett. He looked right into the camera and said, “I’m not opposed to the Justice.” That’s news to the rest of the country, Sleepy Joe. You put out a statement on the day the nomination was announced saying you opposed her specifically because of her past positions regarding Obamacare.

Biden went on to say that there shouldn’t be a nominee to replace Ginsburg until after the election when a new Senate class and the next President have been seated. And of course he would say that. But that’s the Joe Biden of 2020. The 2017 version of Biden saidThe Constitution says the president shall nominate — not maybe he could, maybe he can’t — he shall nominate. Implicit in the Constitution is that the Senate will act” Ah… good times.

Later on, President Trump brought up the socialist manifesto that Joe Biden agreed to cook up in partnership with Bernie Sanders. Biden responded by saying, “There is no manifesto.” That one must have taken some solid brass cojones to spit out because there absolutely was a 118-page manifesto developed by the “Biden-Sanders Unity Task Force” and it’s still on Joe’s website to this day.

Biden later said it was “not true” that his son Hunter had received $3.5 million from the wife of the Mayor of Moscow. The Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee disagrees and some of them were quite alarmed by this fact. I suppose if Uncle Joe wants to dance on the head of a pin here, he could defend that statement by saying that his son’s company (Rosemont Seneca Thornton) received the check. But that’s a distinction without a difference in this case.

We could keep going with this for quite a while, but I think I’ll leave a substantial pile of Biden’s other “misstatements” on the table for the rest of the writers here to dive into. Suffice it to say that the media narrative about how often the Bad Orange Man lies is going to need to go into overdrive this week if they want to keep up with the pack of whoppers that Joe Biden rolled out last night.


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  1. Joe also tried to rewrite the history behind the WuFlu response right on national television! Anybody shocked?

    But here’s the part that really gets me. The president recommended shutting down the economy based on the advice of the scientific community and they blame him for the economic crash. Now, when he questions the scientific communities recommendations they claim he should listen to the scientific community. They can’t have it both ways. I certainly wish Trump had picked up on that last night and beat Joey over the head with it.

  2. What we saw in the 1st 2020 Presidential Debate last night was a successful business man debating and defending his successful 1st Presidential term against two thoroughly discredited liberal hacks. One, a 47 year swamp-dwelling, self dealing, corrupt, Demorat suffering from early stage, trying to hide and defend he and his family’s public corruption, abuse of office and theft. The other, a weak-minded liberal mainstream hack named Chris Wallace who is as liberal and half-witted as his daddy was when Morgan Freeman handed him his a** in a hat when he ask Freeman about Black History Month.

    As after the Trump-Clinton debates, Trump lost and was “obviously was finished”……..AGAIN! (Just ask any CNN, ABC, NBC, MSLSD, PBS, BLM, or Lib Billionaire know nothing, hack!)

    Me? I’m buying stock in Kleenex and Charmin’! The Dems are going to be using the ever-loving sh*t out of the things after ACB takes her oath AND when Mr. President Trump gets another 4yrs (this time as a lame-duck but leader of The Trump Party).

  3. No one had addressed something I think is hid from view by the communist group. Constitution amendments have been attempted and if the communists win this election I believe they will try to have a convention on the whole constitution and not just one. If that happens we should all get a copy of the Communist Manifesto because that will be our constitution!!!

    1. THere is no provision that would allow an unbridled Constitutional Convention that would allow the current document to be tossed out in place of another. The Article V Convention of States is an entirely different matter because it can only RECOMMEND amendments in the same manner that Congress can do. The recommendations would still have to pass the legislatures of 38 states meaning that it would only take 13 states to defeat anything they come up with and the only way such a convention can be convened is if Congress receives requests from 34 states to hold one. If the states don’t ask, Congress would have to recommend every individual amendment separately to the states for ratification. The founders were no fools. They knew that someday people would attempt to trash the constitution and took steps to prevent that from happening.

  4. And yet no one dwelled on the open admission of the 28% tax increase on already hurting and failing businesses as well as abolishing the Trump tax cuts that have kept this country afloat.

    Typical greedy Democratic ways.

  5. Chris Wallace is one of the biggest Deep State person I’ve ever seen! When I found out he was going to be the Moderator I knew the President wasn’t going to get a chance to get out his agenda. I just don’t know why they keep picking that Clown to be the Moderator. The guys a jerk!!

  6. Very many unenlightened opinions here, including the OP or author if that’s what anybody wants to call him. No serious journalist would spout such nonsense. Nobody’s opinions here would stand up in any type of critical debate. Which, by the way Mr. trump is totally incapable of participating in. He cannot keep his big, lying mouth shut long enough for anybody to say anything of substance without him cutting in before they even get started.

  7. To all y’all nay sayers and the ones who said real substance in there opinion the best president ever draining the Washington swamp it has been tough but he’s showing the lefts hypocrisies and joe lame Biden up there lying his ass off on stage WOW and you lefties saying The President was Lying your fools to believe anything Sleepy Joe Biden says you just want the him to win wake up ppl face it we the real Americans that truly love and believe in this nation are believers in God Country And Guns I believe in our constitution we all in this country have sworn allegiance to this nation this constitution and to the Republic for which it stands all others are treasonous and deserve what they get when all the laws change all of a sudden we’re communist then the govt runs your life and then the money runs out where we’re you wake up ppl we are Americans act like it

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