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On Friday morning’s New Day, CNN hosts Alisyn Camerota and John Berman brought on political correspondent Dana Bash to assert that their candidate, Joe Biden, has already won the presidential election. Camerota insisted that “voters agree” with Biden calling President Trump “a child” while the show ignored a major gaffe that Biden made about coronavirus in the same speech.

Berman began the segment by attacking a response that Trump gave at a Fox News town hall on Thursday night:

Yes. And, you know, you heard a version of it last night. The president did an interview with Sean Hannity on Fox T.V. I mean, talk about home field advantage, batting practice type questions, he should have been able — he was asked what is essentially the Roger Mudd question. Why do you want to be president? And he couldn’t or wouldn’t or didn’t answer. Listen.

The remark about “batting practice questions” was particularly rich coming from Berman. On June 25th’s New Day, Camerota lobbed one softball question after another to Democratic New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, and did not ask him about his executive order that resulted in many as 12,000 COVID-19 deaths in nursing homes across the state.

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On Friday, Camerota played a clip of Biden and proclaimed that “voters agree” with Biden calling Trump “a child”:

CAMEROTA: Joe Biden has been talking about President Trump and his lack of leadership during this time, so here’s one moment of that.

[Cuts to video]

JOE BIDEN: He’s like a child who can’t believe this has happened to him, all his whining and self-pity. Well, this pandemic didn’t happen to him, it happened to all of us. And his job isn’t to whine about it. His job is to do something about it, to lead.

[Cuts to live]

CAMEROTA: Apparently voters agree. The latest polls from The New York Times to Fox News show Joe Biden leading in even battleground states. Maybe we can pull up some of the Fox News polls to show people Florida and then there’s Georgia, North Carolina, and Texas, as well.

There must be no need to even have the election! CNN has already decided that Biden will win. Of course, since they want him to win, they feel like they must push this narrative in order to discourage Trump supporters. Camerota should stop pretending to be a news reporter and join the Biden campaign.

She neglected to mention that in the same speech, Biden declared that “120 million” Americans had died from coronavirus. Between that number of deaths and the “150 million” Americans that Biden said have died from gun violence, Camerota is lucky to be alive.

Bash continued the anti-Trump propaganda:

They’re nervous. They’re — they’re, and it’s not even just nervous, they’re kind of dejected. They’re depressed. And by the way, you say battleground states, Texas, Georgia, I mean, Georgia has been trending more blue, but certainly on a presidential level, we haven’t had Georgia and Texas up on the screen in a very, very long time, particularly with it being in the margin of error on this Fox News poll, like we’re seeing right now. I mean, that is — you know, alarm bells are going off. Now, privately, they insist in Trump world that their internals don’t show things as bad as — as public polls do, but they’re not good. And they realize that it is just the combination of all of these things, but tactically speaking, it is kind of running for re-election 101, when you’re president of the United States, to make the big picture conversation about, you don’t really want to fire me. Oh, and, by the way, look at the alternative, to define the alternative, the alternative being Joe Biden, and he can’t stay focused on that, even though his campaign is trying to do that in paid ads and — and otherwise, because of the way he is using, you know, negative terms like — like kung flu, the way he is, you know, going after people on Twitter,  it is all making it about him, which it already is, but even more so, it is undermining the campaign’s attempt to try to make it a little bit more about his opponent.

Speaking of Trump’s opponent, what has CNN done to cover Biden’s “big picture conversation?” He was the vice president for eight years and served in the Senate for 36 years. Surely he must have significant accomplishments and policies that are worth talking about?

Would CNN include his role as a leading segregationist in the 1970s, where he said that he did not want his children to grow up in a “racial jungle?” Or when he praised ardent segregationist, George Wallace: “I think the Democratic Party could stand a liberal George Wallace — someone who’s not afraid to stand up and offend people, someone who wouldn’t pander but would say what the American people know in their gut is right.” Or they could discuss his 1994 crime bill, which contributed to mass incarceration of African Americans.

CNN has decided the election, there is no need to go vote for Trump. At least, that’s what CNN wants its viewers to think.

This Joe Biden propaganda was brought to its viewers by Mercedes-Benz, Michaels, and Energizer.

Read the full transcript here:

CNN New Day


7:19:23 AM

JOHN BERMAN: Yes. And, you know, you heard a version of it last night. The president did an interview with Sean Hannity on Fox T.V. I mean, talk about home field advantage, batting practice type questions, he should have been able — he was asked what is essentially the Roger Mudd question. Why do you want to be president? And he couldn’t or wouldn’t or didn’t answer. Listen.

[Cuts to video]

SEAN HANNITY: What are your top priority items for a second term?

DONALD TRUMP: Well, one of the things that will be really great, you know, the word experience is still good. I always say talent is more important than experience, I’ve always said that. But the word experience is a very important word. It’s a very important meaning.

[Cuts to live]



BERMAN: That doesn’t answer what your top priority is.

BASH: I mean, that was remarkable. How about, bring the economy back or, you know, make sure that people have healthcare, or, I don’t know, try to eradicate the coronavirus and make sure that the federal government is on it when it comes to a vaccine. I mean, those are just — I’m just spit-balling here off the top of my head, never mind what I know based on talking to sources, his campaign, and — and aides in the White House are desperate for him to do, which is to stay focused and — and — and not talk about things that are not relevant to Americans. I mean, the time as — for the entertainer in chief is — is not now. And that is what people are trying to express to him and to impress upon him. And based on that answer, as you said, home field advantage, I mean, Sean Hannity took the ball and just lofted it over the plate and he missed.

CAMEROTA: Joe Biden has been talking about President Trump and his lack of leadership during this time, so here’s one moment of that.

[Cuts to video]

JOE BIDEN: He’s like a child who can’t believe this has happened to him, all his whining and self-pity. Well, this pandemic didn’t happen to him, it happened to all of us. And his job isn’t to whine about it. His job is to do something about it, to lead.

[Cuts to live]

CAMEROTA: Apparently voters agree. The latest polls from The New York Times to Fox News show Joe Biden leading in even battleground states. Maybe we can pull up some of the Fox News polls to show people Florida and then there’s Georgia, North Carolina, and Texas, as well. And so, Dana, the people that you talk to, the sources that you have around the president, his advisers, how nervous are they at this moment?

BASH: They’re nervous. They’re — they’re, and it’s not even just nervous, they’re kind of dejected. They’re depressed. And by the way, you say battleground states, Texas, Georgia, I mean, Georgia has been trending more blue, but certainly on a presidential level, we haven’t had Georgia and Texas up on the screen in a very, very long time, particularly with it being in the margin of error on this Fox News poll, like we’re seeing right now. I mean, that is — you know, alarm bells are going off. Now, privately, they insist in Trump world that their internals don’t show things as bad as — as public polls do, but they’re not good. And they realize that it is just the combination of all of these things, but tactically speaking, it is kind of running for re-election 101, when you’re president of the United States, to make the big picture conversation about, you don’t really want to fire me. Oh, and, by the way, look at the alternative, to define the alternative, the alternative being Joe Biden, and he can’t stay focused on that, even though his campaign is trying to do that in paid ads and — and otherwise, because of the way he is using, you know, negative terms like — like kung flu, the way he is, you know, going after people on Twitter,  it is all making it about him, which it already is, but even more so, it is undermining the campaign’s attempt to try to make it a little bit more about his opponent.


Read the Original Article Here

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