Moore Fantasizes About Forcibly Removing Defeated Trump From Office: ‘Best Eviction Ever’

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Far-left documentary maker Michael Moore appeared on Friday’s edition of Real Time and not surprisingly, Moore and host Bill Maher spent their entire conversation spouting off left-wing talking points and conspiracy theories. Moore claimed that Republicans can only win elections by cheating and attributed President Trump’s animosity towards the state leadership in Michigan to racism and sexism. Both Moore and Maher shared the concern that Trump would refuse to leave office if he loses re-election and issued a call to action to “remove this mother***er from the White House.”

After warning that the President could still win the Electoral College in 2020, Moore issued a bold prediction: “if we make it easy for people to vote, if we don’t have voter suppression, Republicans are going to lose because the majority of the country does not support the Republican agenda.” According to Moore, “the only way Republicans can win, and this has been true now for a few elections, is to cheat.”

Moore proceeded to worry that Trump will appeal to “Second Amendment people” before trashing Second Amendment supporters as inhumane because “they want to kill Bambi.” The left-wing filmmaker reassured the audience that “there’s more of us than there are of them” and therefore, the only way that Republicans can win the 2020 presidential election is if Trump is able to “cancel the election or ‘postpone’ it.”

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When Maher brought up President Trump’s threat to withhold COVID funding to Michigan over its decision to embrace voting by mail, Moore entertained an insane theory that Trump resents Michigan because “the governor’s a woman, the lieutenant governor is black, there’s a lesbian who’s the attorney general, and a single mom is the secretary of state…there’s not a single white guy anywhere in there and I think he doesn’t like to deal with that.” In addition to completely misrepresenting the source of the tension between Trump and Michigan leadership, Moore did not even get all of his facts right. He announced on his Twitter page Saturday that the “single mom” Secretary of State does in fact have a husband.

Speaking of gaffes, Moore urged the king of gaffes, presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden, to “use this pandemic to show all the things that have been exposed about how this society of ours runs and how awful and deadly Trump has been.” At this point, Maher rehashed his paranoia about Trump refusing to leave office if he loses re-election. Moore made the case that if police officers “don’t do their job” and forcibly remove him from office, he and Maher could get “millions of Americans to show up and escort him in the best eviction ever that’s taken place in the United States and…remove this motherf***er from the White House.”

Moore seemed quite confident that Trump will lose in 2020 and that Maher, whose birthday falls on inauguration day, would get to enjoy a “birthday bash” in DC celebrating Trump’s ouster. Cue the media meltdowns if and when that vision fails to materialize.

A transcript of the relevant portion of Friday’s edition of Real Time is below. Click “expand” to read more.

Real Time With Bill Maher


10:34 PM


BILL MAHER: Okay, you know him, he is the Academy Award-winning filmmaker and host of the podcast, “Rumble with Michael Moore,” my good friend, the icon Michael Moore.


10:37:49 PM

MICHAEL MOORE: I think Trump could still win the Electoral College and so, all of us have to be really in fighting mode, because he is and he…he knows…he knows his people. So, he just has to…he will get all that 44, 46 percent out…he just needs a couple more percent of the people who…on his side who stayed home last time.

MAHER: Yeah.


MAHER: …and he’s so up…upfront…

MOORE: Yeah.

MAHER: …about how the less people vote, the better it is for Republicans. He literally said “if, if we had more people voting, you’d never have a Republican in this country elected again.” That’s not the subtext of what he said, that is actually what he said. You got to give it to this guy, he does speak his inner monologue.

MOORE: Yes, and that’s…and that’s why if you listen to him and if you take him at his word, understand that he is a lot of the time telling the truth; not the greater truth…

MAHER: Right.

MOORE: …his truth. He believes it, he’d pass a lie detector if you…if you wired him up. And…and he’s right. If…if we make it easy for people to vote, if we don’t have voter suppression, Republicans are going to lose because the majority of the country does not support the Republican agenda. The majority of the country are not climate deniers, the majority of the country believes women should be paid the same as men, the majority of the country…go down the whole list. The majority of the country takes the liberal, center left Democratic Party position on most issues. So, so, the only way Republicans can win, and, this has been true now for a few elections, is to cheat; is to somehow game it, rig it, do whatever they need to do. In this case, what I’m worried about, Bill, is that last time, remember, he threatened that…he kept saying the whole election’s going to be rigged and he…what did he…he said my Second Amendment people, I appealed to my Second Amendment people, the gun people…to get ready, because this is going to be a rigged election. And the funny thing is is that what he actually thought was…he was certain he would win the popular vote because of course everybody loves him, that’s what a malignant narcissist would believe. But he was worried that the Clintons were going to somehow rig the Electoral College and that’s how he was going to lose. This time, he, he, he doesn’t even have to…he’s already got his gun guys. The guys with the guns in…we saw this in Michigan the last couple of weeks showing up at the State Capital with their long…their long arms and threatening everybody to the point where the Governor last Thursday just shut the legislature down, called the day off, was so afraid. This is, this is, my…I want to appeal to people to not be afraid of these guys with the guns. I went to high school with them, I know them.


MOORE: They…they want to kill Bambi. That’s their idea of a real fight, them and a deer. If…if the deer were ever armed, if they…if it was a fair fight, these guys would never be in the woods. It’s so important that liberals, who generally are not gun owners, not be afraid because that’s all they’re trying to do now…liberate Michigan, liberate Minnesota, you…you know, good…good on all of you for showing up with those guns. He’s just trying to scare liberals because liberals get scared easy. Don’t be scared. You know, we are the majority, there’s more of us than there are of them. The only way that they’re going to pull it off is somehow he’s able to cancel the election or “postpone” it. That is what we have to fight against because I’m certain that’s what’s going on in his head right now.

MAHER: Well, one way he wants to rig the vote is he’s kind of declared war on the post office because, for example, Michigan sent out ballots last week to everybody and Trump, his response was to threaten to withhold COVID aid to the state of Michigan in response; which, of course, sounds to me like the exact same playbook from Ukraine, withholding aid, that’s…

MOORE: Right.

MAHER: …one of his big tricks; except this is our country!

MOORE: Right.

MAHER: In the middle of a…


MAHER: …pandemic.


MAHER: But he seems to be very afraid of mail; mail-in votes, that everyone…and I don’t know if that’s true.


10:43:58 PM

MOORE: All that he needs to do is follow what Fox & Friends is telling him and that’s good enough. The fact…see, like a lot of people don’t believe he’s taking this…this drug, the antimalaria drug, I believe him. I…I believe Trump when he says things like this.

MAHER: Oh, I do too.

MOORE: I think he’s taking it and…and, he’s so…in such a state right now and I think he knows that if it was a fair election, he’s going to lose. So, he’s got to do whatever he can to gin this up in whatever way to make sure that that doesn’t happen. And going after Michigan, a state that voted for him makes, again, no sense. But what he’s really mad at in Michigan, that woman as he calls her, the governor…what happened in…after two years of Trump in the 2018 election, the people of Michigan threw out the…all the top Republicans and…and voted in…the top four people that run the state of Michigan, the governor’s a woman, the lieutenant governor is black, there’s a lesbian who’s the attorney general, and a single mom is the secretary of state. That’s who runs Michigan, there’s not a single white guy anywhere in there and I think he doesn’t like to deal with that. He doesn’t…there’s, I…I don’t understand what it is with him and women, but boy, that is…that’s worse than anything that he has to deal with “these women” in Michigan. And, you know, I hope he gets his comeuppance for it; but that will only happen if people do their job. And let me say this…it’s really incumbent upon Biden here. People like you and I…people aren’t…you and I are not going to…we can go on TV and say “hey, everybody get out there and vote,” that’s not how it’s gonna happen. Biden has got to inspire people to get out and vote. Tell them what you’re going to do for them. Use this pandemic to show all the things that have been exposed about how this society of ours runs and how awful and deadly Trump has been. Nine, when we’re, you know, we’re…we’re, at this point, what, we’re almost at 100,000 dead Americans. You know, all of this could have been not prevented but not this many people needed to die.



MAHER: …not at all. So, let…let me ask you about…

MOORE: Yeah.

MAHER: him…

MOORE: Yeah, yeah.

MAHER: …going away, what I call my issue is…it’s the thing I can’t seem to let go of and have been trying to get people, and I think…

MOORE: Is your issue the lack…the lack of belief in a deity? Was that, or….

MAHER: No, that was my…that was my old issue.

MOORE: That’s the old. So, the new issue is…

MAHER: For the last, for the last four years it’s been he’s not gonna lose, he’s not gonna leave even if he loses.

MOORE: He’s not going to leave.

MAHER: I would like…

MOORE: That is right.

MAHER: …I would like to present this as evidence a little, they asked Jared Kushner last week, Time magazine did, about November 3rd, which is Election Day and the election happening on that day and he said “I’m not sure I can commit one way or another, right now, that’s the plan.” Now, he later retracted that and blamed the error of being an overwhelmed dip shipped dip shit who has no business in being in government. But he did say that. I think it’s indicative. You mentioned how Trump was railing about “it’s rigged” and that was about an election he won.

MOORE: Right.

MAHER: Now, I’ve heard you say “yeah, you I think I’m right maybe that he’s not gonna leave but then the cops will take pleasure in ousting him?” Have you ever…

MOORE: That’s right.

MAHER: …seen him in front of cops? It’s…

MOORE: Well…

MAHER: …like James Brown at the Apollo.

MOORE: No, no, he…the cops across America love him. Okay? It’s the…the cops in D.C. First of all, the D.C. police force is mostly black. So right there, he’s…he’s got to hope that the African-American police force in D.C. is going to protect him when he says “I’m not leaving,” even though…

MAHER: But it’s up to them to oust him?

MOORE: And the FB…how about the FBI? He’s pissed all over the FBI, the CIA, the, the, the people at the Pentagon. I mean, he’s got, he’s…he’s created a lot of animosity.

MAHER: But look…

MOORE: I think…

MAHER: …at all the other people he’s pissed on, every…you, you cannot name a Senator starting with Lindsey Graham who he hasn’t said horrible things about…

MOORE: Yeah, yeah.

MAHER: …and somehow they still wind up being his allies.

MOORE: Okay, well, listen…if that’s the case, if the police don’t do their job, there’s you and me, Bill. I mean, you and I are going to go there. I’ll…at least, I’m…I’m inviting you to come with me, but we are going to go there and I think we can get thousands, millions of Americans to show up and escort him in the best eviction ever that’s taken place in the United States and remove him from that building.

MAHER: Okay.

MOORE: He’s not staying. I mean, we…everybody watching this right now, we all agree on that. Right? We’re not just going to sit back and…and take that…

MAHER: Right, I mean…

MOORE: …after he loses…

MAHER: You know…

MOORE: …and he says he’s not going to leave.

MAHER: Again, but you talk about and I have talked about him calling on his Second Amendment friends. Do you think they’re…

MOORE: Yeah.

MAHER: …not going to be there when we show up there? I think if it didn’t turn violent, it would be a great ending to a Michael Moore movie, but I think it’s going to be a different kind of movie because again, we are not going to be the only ones in the streets when he is saying “This was rigged and I shouldn’t…

MOORE: Yeah.

MAHER: …go.”

MOORE: I would hope that most, again, these guys I went to high school with, with their big guns, that they know better, they…they can see the end game of this. It’s not…they’re not going to win. And they’re going to end up…I mean, they’re living their white life in their white neighborhoods. If they end up being arrested and tried for doing what you suggested, they will then be moved to a black and brown neighborhood called the United States prison system.

MAHER: That’s cons…


MAHER: That’s assuming that we have the old country that we’ve always had. I’m not so sure that we still have that one. He has…Trump this week, this month, has gotten rid of four Inspector Generals of different agencies. Impeachment turned out to be a horrible thing. If I knew…

MOORE: Because…

MAHER: …what I knew now…

MOORE: Again, he bullied…he bullied Mueller, he threatened him, and Mueller got scared and wouldn’t even have…bring him in to be interrogated, didn’t bring him before the grand jury, didn’t bring Don Jr, anybody, he was….

MAHER: Right.

MOORE: Mueller was so afraid…

MAHER: Fucked it up.

MOORE: …to do his job, then Comey, then he threatens Comey and what does Comey do?

MAHER: Okay but that, but I’m talking about…

MOORE: Comey reopens the investigation of Hillary.

MAHER: But just the impeachment. You know, I mean, if I…if I could do it over again, I wouldn’t because it just…

MOORE: Yeah.

MAHER: …emboldened him. Now he can conduct this war on accountability and nobody even…it barely made the papers. I bet you most people are watching this and going “wow, I hadn’t heard that” because…

MOORE: Yeah.

MAHER: …the news is all COVID…

MOORE: There’s four…I think there might be five now Inspector Generals…

MAHER: Right.

MOORE: …at last count…

MAHER: So, you know, I hope…

MOORE: …that he’s removed.

MAHER: I hope…

MOORE: So, no watchdogs, the best way to…to take over an election, or not leave the White House, I agree. But also, not…not just that…all the other things that people are watching us tonight don’t know that happened in the last few weeks. The Clean Air Act, the Clean Water Act…

MAHER: Right.

MOORE: …suspended, suspended; we don’t have time to do all this investigation, all those people gone. And, let me tell you, if and when the pandemic ends and if it doesn’t open up or end even in his term, those inspectors from, whether the Inspector Generals, whether the people that do our clean air and clean water, they’re not coming back, not under Donald Trump.

MAHER: Right.

MOORE: This is his way to move this thing permanently…

MAHER: I am…yeah.

MOORE: It makes him very dangerous. And did I hear everybody at home say that they would join Bill and I in D.C. On January 20th next year…

MAHER: It’s my birthday!

MOORE: …to help. It’s your birthday…

MAHER: We’ll have a birthday bash in D.C.! All right.

MOORE: …and show up in DC and remove this motherfucker from the White House.

MAHER: All right. Thank you, Michael. Always great to see you and hopefully…hopefully, things will be different next time we meet.


Read the Original Article Here

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